Prof. Avihu Klar

Prof. Avihu
Department of medical Neurobiology, IMRIC The Hebrew University -Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem
Curriculum Vitae: Education: 1979-1982   BsC at the Tel Aviv University, Life Sciences faculty. 1982-1985   MsC at the Weizmann Institute, department of chemical immunology, MsC under the supervision of Prof. Eli Canaani. 1985-1989   PhD at the Hebrew University, department of Biochemistry of the Cell, under the supervision of Howard Cedar & Prof. Prof. Menashe Marcus 1989-1993  Post-doctoral fellowship at Columbia University, Centre for Neurobiology and Behavior. Host: Prof. Tom Jessell.  Appointments at the Hebrew University: 1/10/1993- 2002   Lecturer at the Hebrew university, faculty of Medicine. 7/2002- 2010       Senior lecturer at the Hebrew university, faculty of Medicine. 2010 - Present    Associate Professor at the Hebrew university, faculty of Medicine.  Publications: Mansour, A., Khazanov-Zisman, S., Y., N., Klar, A., and Ben-Arie, N. (2014). Nato3 plays an integral role in dorsoventral patterning of the spinal cord by segregating floor plate/p3 fates via Nkx2.2 suppression and Foxa2 maintenance. Development. Escalante, A., Murillo, B., Morenilla-Palao, C., Klar, A., and Herrera, E. (2013). Zic2-dependent axon midline avoidance controls the formation of major ipsilateral tracts in the CNS. Neuron 18, 1392-1406. Nitzan, E., Krispin, S., Pfaltzgraff, E.R., Klar, A., Labosky, P.A., and Kalcheim, C. (2013). A dynamic code of dorsal neural tube genes regulates the segregation between neurogenic and melanogenic neural crest cells. Development 140, 2269-2279. Kohl, A., Hadas, Y., Klar, A., and Sela-Donenfeld, D. (2013). Electroporation of the hindbrain to trace axonal trajectories and synaptic targets in the chick embryo. Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE. Hadas, Y., Nitzan, N., Furley, A.J.W., Kozlov, S.V., and Klar, A. (2013). Distinct Cis Regulatory Elements Govern the Expression of TAG1 in Embryonic Sensory Ganglia and Spinal Cord. PLoS One 8, e57960. Kohl, A., Hadas, Y., Klar, A., and Sela-Donenfeld, D. (2012). Axonal patterns and targets of dA1 interneurons in the chick hindbrain J Neuroscience 32 5757-5771.