Prof. Asher Cohen

Prof. Asher
Hebrew University Rector
Social Sciences Building, 2615 Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Mount Scopus Jerusalem, Israel 91905
Education: PhD. Psychology, 1987, University of OregonM.A. Psychology, 1983, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, IsraelB.A. Economics, 1979, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel  Positions: Post doctoral fellow, University of Oregon, 1987-1989Assistant Professor, Indiana University, 1989-1993Senior lecturer, Hebrew University, 1992-1999Associate Professor, Hebrew University, 1999-2005Full Professor, Hebrew University, 2005-present Academic Roles: Chair of the Psychology department, 2008-2012Rector, the Hebrew University, 2012- Research Interest: The main line of work in my lab concerns task performance. We focus on the nature of the cognitive architecture for task performance and on the role of attention both in task preparation and task performance. We developed a model, termed the Dimension-Action (DA), to account for task performance. Within this framework we focused in recent years on dual task performance. Other lines of work in the lab include 1) implicit learning: People often exhibit learning without being aware that such learning took place. We examine the nature of this learning. 2) Processing of personally important information and its role in task performance. This work is done in collaboration with the lab of Prof. Gershon Ben Shakhar. Publications:  Magen, H., & Cohen, A. (2010). Modularity beyond perception: Evidence from the PRP paradigm. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human perception and performance, 36, 395-414.   Magen, H., & Cohen, A. (2007). Modularity beyond perception: Evidence from single task interference paradigms. Cognitive Psychology,55, 1-36.