Prof. Amir Amedi

Prof. Amir
Faculty of Medicine, The Hebrew University Building 3, 5th Floor, Room 44. P.O. Box 12272 Jerusalem 91120, Israel
Curriculum Vitae:  Higher Education:1998-2001: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, B.Sc. in Biology, Graduated with honors (Magna Cum Lauda)2001-2003: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, M.Sc. in Computational Neuroscience [Without thesis, moved on to the direct ICNC PhD program].2003-2006: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Ph.D in Computational Neuroscience, Thesis title: “Visual and multisensory processing and plasticity in the human brain”. Supervisors: Prof. Ehud Zohary; Prof. Rafael Malach. [Thesis included 5 papers, 3 in Nature Neuroscience].7/2003: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, NIH, USA. Visiting Fellow. Topic: “Transcranial magnetic stimulation of the occipital pole interferes with verbal processing in blind subjects” [Results published in Nature Neuroscience]. Host supervisor: Prof. Leonardo G. Cohen.2004-2007: Harvard Medical School, Center for Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, USA. Post-doctoral Fellowship.  Host:  Prof. Alvaro Pascual-Leone. [Items number 6-8, 24-26 in the List of Publications resulted from this research including a Neuron and Annual Reviews in Neuroscience papers]. Topics: Perception vs. Mental imagery; Crossmodal plasticity in the human brain; Concurrent combination of TMS and fMRI. Appointments at the Hebrew University: Starting date of academic appointment: 12/06/2012-PresentAcademic position: Associate ProfessorDepartment: Medical Neurobiology, Institute for Medical Research - Israel-CanadaDepartment: Cognitive Science (co-affiliation).  Additional Functions/Tasks at the Hebrew University:10/2012: Member of ELSC joint steering committee (also serve as faculty level ‘vaadat sinun’ which is appointed by the Rector).11/2012: Member of Cognitive Science program development committee (also serves as faculty level ‘vaadat sinun’ which is appointed by the Rector).6/2010-Present: Member of the Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences (ELSC). [Selected by a presidential international committee led by Nobel Laureates and other leading neuroscientists]10/1997-3/2004: Teaching fellow (Instructor / Teaching assistant): Life Science Institute and Interdisciplinary Center for Neural Computation (ICNC 2002-2003 only).2/2009-Present: Member of the Inter-disciplinary center for neuronal computation (ICNC)6/2010-Present: Member of the Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences (ELSC). [Selected by a presidential international committee led by Nobel Laureates and other leading neuroscientists]10/2009-Present: Building a new course on the brain and teaching: Rothberg International School10/2009-Present: Building a new course on the brain to the general public2007-Present: Volunteering to give tens of lectures in various occasions (requested by IMRIC, ELSC, public and foreign relation, donor services) including delegations (donors, Science committee delegation, ambassadors etc. visiting HUJI) or to general public (Veidat Hanasi, talks and visits for groups of blind etc.).  02/2011-Present: Cognitive Science program advisor for advanced degrees.2012: HUJI Fund raising excursions in Geneva, Lisbon and Argentina.04/2013: Hosting of 80 High school Arab students from Beit-Safafa10/2013-present (until 10/2017): Member of the Faculty of Medicine prizes committee.01/2014 Director of public relation and Media, IMIC, HUJI Service in other Academic and Research Institutions:04/2005-07/2007: Instructor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA. Other Activity: Memberships in editorial boards:12/2010-06/2012: European Journal of Neuroscience, Scientific Review Board, “Scientific Review Associate” (SRA)01/2010-present: Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, Review Editor0/2010-present: Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, Review Editor.0/2010-present: Frontiers in Perception Science, Review Editor03/2011-present: World Journal of Neurology (WJN)08/2011-present: Journal of Neurology & Neurophysiology (Invited; In the process of joining)11/2011-present: Multisensory Research, Associate Editor11/2013-present: Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience (RNN), Associate Editor Ad Hoc Reviewer (Scientific Journals):2008-2014: reviewer for Journal of Neuroscience2009-2014: reviewer for Current Biology2010, 2013: reviewer for Neuron2011: reviewer for Brain2008-2014: reviewer for Cerebral Cortex2011: reviewer for European Journal of Neuroscience2007-2012: reviewer for NeuroImage2008: reviewer for Journal of Vision2008, 2012: reviewer for Neuropsychologia2009: reviewer for Human Brain Mapping2009: reviewer for Restorative Neuroscience and Neurology2009, 3/2011: reviewer for Brain Topography2009: reviewer for Brain Research2009: reviewer for Journal of neurophysiology2012: reviewer for Mutisensory Research Ad Hoc Reviewer (Grants):2008: Reviewer for Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), UK.2009: Reviewer for Israel Science Foundation (ISF), Israel2009: Reviewer for The National Institute for psychobiology in Israel, Israel2009, 2010, 2012: reviewer for The Welcome Trust, UK2011: reviewer for The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)2012: reviewer for the German-Israel foundation (GIF)2012: reviewer The Fund for Scientific Research – FNRS, Belgium.Ad Hoc Reviewer (PhD thesis):2008, 2012: Hebrew University of Jerusalem2008, 2009, 2010, 2011: Weizmann Institute of Science2010: Technion- Israel Institute of Technology2012: Bar Ilan University Organization of Conferences:11/2010: 20th meeting of the Journee Jean-Louis Signoret, Paris, France. "What does sensory handicap teach us about multisensory integration in the brain", Presidents invites (together with Prof. Anne-Lise Giraud).06/2011: 12th Annual Meeting of the International Multisensory Research Forum; Sendai, Japan, Advisory board member.06/2012: 13th Annual Meeting of the International Multisensory Research Forum; Oxford, UK Advisory board member.06/2013: 14th Annual Meeting of the International Multisensory Research Forum; Jerusalem, Israel Conference organizer (co-chair Prof. David Shore)06/2013: Sensory Substitution, Brain Plasticity and Visual Rehabilitation workshop; Jerusalem, Israel. Conference organizer06/2014: 15th Annual Meeting of the International Multisensory Research Forum; Amsterdam, Netherlands. Advisory board member. Awards, Prizes and Honors:1998: B.Sc. Graduated ‘Magna cum Laude’ from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Also, cited on the Dean's list for academic achievements(1996-7).1999-2004:  Inter-disciplinary center for neuronal computation (ICNC) fellow.  2001-2004:  The Horowitz foundation scholarship for outstanding Ph.D. students.6/2004: Travel Fellowship Award to attend the Human Brain Mapping Meeting.2005-2007: International Human Frontiers Science Program Long-Term Postdoctoral Fellow.07/2005: Summer Institute in Cognitive Neuroscience fellowship, Dartmouth College, USA.01/2007: Presidential absorptions grant, The President of the Hebrew University.05/2007: Invited plenary keynote speaker in the Georgetown Cognitive Sciences Spring Symposium.08/2007: My Research was featured in the International Human Frontiers Science Program Organization annual report.09/2007: Award for outstanding Israeli projects proposals in the “EU 7th Framework Programme for Research & Technological Development".03/2008: Golda Meijer foundation tenure track lecturer fellow.06/2008: Alon fellow, Council for Higher Education, Israel. [Awarded for top Israeli young tenure track lecturers in all fields and universities].07/2009: The first graduate student from my lab (Noa Tal) won the faculty of Medicine prize for excellence in M.Sc. studies.02/2009: International Human Frontiers Science Program Career Development Award. 04/2009: My Research was featured in the Presidential annual report of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.04/2010: Prototype demo of our sensory substitution device was selected to feature in Microsoft ThinkNext 2010 exhibition05/2010: The Sieratzki-Korczyn Prize for advances in Neuroscience. ("In recognition of his excellent and promising achievements in the field of neuroscience, in particular his contribution towards better understanding of brain reorganizing after injury or damage")10/2010: The Avraham Shalmon ‘Teva’ company founders award – for “imaging of diseases”02/2011: The Krill Prize for Excellence in Scientific Research, The Wolf Foundation (04/2011 selected to give the speech on behalf of the awardees, Wolf foundation ceremony).06/2011: My lab and our sensory substitution research were selected to feature in “The Israeli Presidential conference 2011 Facing Tomorrow”.07/2011: Dean of The Hebrew University Faculty of Medicine Young Investigator Award in the memory of Prof. Yaacov Matzner.07/2011: James S. McDonnell Foundation 2011 Scholar Award in Understanding Human Cognition03/2012: Voted an excellent lecturer by the Hebrew University students / Rector’s Letter of appreciation for teaching in the 2011-2012 academic year.04/2012: Prototype demo of our virtual-cane/sensory-substitution-device hybrid was selected to feature in Microsoft ThinkNext 2012 exhibition04/2012: Associate Editor for the Multisensory Research (MSR) Journal.11/2012: Our 2012 Neuron paper work (Striem-Amit et al., 2012) was highlighted in Nature.12/2012: Our 2012 Neuron paper work (Striem-Amit et al., 2012) was highlighted in Nature’s group monthly podcast NEUROPOD.06/2013: Invited faculty in an Interdisciplinary Summer School on "Embodied Inter-subjectivity: the 1st person and the 2nd person perspectives", Aegina, Greece.06/2013: The Israel Science Foundation Research Workshops Grant for the Sensory Substitution, Brain Plasticity and Visual Rehabilitation Workshop.11/2013: Associate Editor for the Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience (RNN) Journal. Research Grants: Competitive major grants as principle investigator [All grants as PI and without collaborators beside two]2007-2011: Marie Curie International Reintegration Grant, European Commission - The 7th Framework Programme. (IRG-EU-FP7), Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Jerusalem, Israel). #15-23, #28-29 [i.e. Items number 15-23 and 28-29 in the List of Publications resulted from this research](“SEEING WITH SOUNDS”)2008-2009 The National Institute for Psychobiology in Israel. #15, #27 [i.e. Items number 15, 17 in the List of Publications resulted from this research]2008-2009 Alon Award.2008-2012 Prize award for research in the lab from Teva company2008-2012 Israeli Science foundation grant (ISF), #15-23, #28-29 [i.e. Items number 15-23 and 28-29 in the List of Publications resulted from this research](“Neural basis and behavioral correlates of sensory substitution, brain plasticity and brain development in humans”)2009-2010 German Israeli foundation (GIF) Young Scientists' Program award. #15-16, #18, #27 [i.e. Items number 15, 16, 18 and 27 in the List of Publications resulted from this research]2009-2012: International Human Frontiers Science Program career development grant (HFSPO),, #15-23, #28-29 [i.e. Items number 15-23 and 28-29 in the List of Publications resulted from this research](“Artificial vision using sensory substitution in blind children: behavior and brain dynamics“)2012-2018: The James S. McDonnell Foundation 2011 Scholar Award in Understanding Human Cognition (JSMF), The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Jerusalem, Israel). #22-27, #28-29 [i.e. Items number 22-27 and 28-29 in the List of Publications resulted from this research]("Understanding Human Cognition")02/2013 ERC grant awarded: “Seeing‟ with the ears, hands and bionic eyes: from theories of brain organization to visual rehabilitation” / BrainVisionRehab 01/2014 Joint grant with Prof. Sahel (IDV) and Prof Banin (Dpt of Ophtalmology)Individual donors grants, special grants and intramural research grants: [All grants as PI and without collaborators beside vision center grant];01/2007-12/2010: Presidential research absorption grant.10/2007-10/2008: The Hebrew University Intramural Research found Career development award.10/2007-10/2008 Lichenski foundation.08/2008-06/2011: Moscona foundation award. #15, #16 [i.e. Items number 15 and 16  in the List of Publications resulted from this research]07/2008-04/2010 Eliyahu Pen foundation award. #15 [i.e. Item number 15in the List of Publications resulted from this research]10/2010-10/2011 Shohare USA.11/2010-11/2013: Vision center grant, ELSC.Teaching at the Hebrew University: [Supervising 4 Post docs, 7 Ph.D., 2 M.Sc., and over 27 past and present undergraduate project students] Master's degree students02/2014 – Present: Shani Shapira09/2013 – Present: Galit Buchs Doctoral degree students10/2009-Present: Lior Reich; [Direct PhD in Neurobiology, Lior is a Rodin foundation fellow]10/2008-present: Haim Azulay04/2008-present: Zohar Tal [research from her thesis was highlighted in FENS 2010 and IMRF 2010 symposiums on body representation and FENS 2010 press release]10/2008-present: Noa Zeharia, co-supervisor- Prof. Tamar Flash; Noa is a fellow in the prestigious ICNC program. [Research from this thesis was highlighted in FENS 2010 and IMRF 2010 symposiums on body representation and FENS 2010 press release]10/2010-present: Nadine Sigalov, co-supervisor- Prof. Yosef Grodzinsky, HUJI/McGill university; [Nadine is a fellow in the prestigious ICNC program].03/2012-Present: Shachar Maidenbaum.10/2012-Present: Roni Arbel (MD-Ph.D. student). Post-doctoral Fellows and Visitors (6 months or longer):07/2010-present: Dr. Daniel-Robert Chebat – Azrieli Foundation post-doctoral fellow (Daniel won the prestigious Azrieli foundation post-doc fellowship on the research proposal we wrote)2009-present: Dr. Andrea Bubic. Visiting fellow. Visited the lab for about half a year and we still collaborate while she is doing postdoc at Harvard [We published 2 book chapters and in the process of writing 2 additional research papers in relation to the research done when she was here]2013-2014 Dr. Petra Vetter. Visiting post-doc fellow. M.Sc. Alumni:10/2007-10/2009: Noa Tal; completed magna cum laude. Thesis won a faculty prize for Exceptional Master thesis works.  'Multisensory visual-tactile object-related network in humans: insights gained using a novel crossmodal adaptation approach'10/2009-01/2013: Ornella Dakwar.03/2011-09/2013: Sami Abboud. 'Dissociating the neural processing of color from letters and numbers as encoded by sensory substitution in the blind' Ph.D. Alumni10/2007-02/2014 Ella Striem-Amit; [Ella is a fellow in the prestigious Hoffman program; Her PhD included peer-reviewed publications in Neuron, Current Biology, Cerebral cortex and several other papers]. 'NEUROPLASTICITY IN THE BLIND AND SENSORY SUBSTITUTION FOR VISION'10/2007-12/2012: Ran Geva [Ran’s research was highlighted in FENS 2010 and IMRF 2010 symposiums on body representation and FENS 2010 press release.]; Co-supervisor- Prof. Rafael Malach (WIS). 'Neural Correlates of the Intrinsic and Extrinsic Components of the Body Scheme Using fMRI in Humans '10/2008-09/2013: Uri Hertz; [Uri was a fellow in the prestigious ICNC program]. 'Brain topography and multisensory perception: fMRI studies using novel computational approaches'Post-doctoral Fellows Alumni11/2011-2013: Dr. Ilan Goldberg (MD, PhD), ELSC post-doctoral fellow. (Ilan is a neurologist and won one of first prestigious ELSC post-doc fellowship on the research proposal we wrote); Co-Supervisor Dr. Shahar Arzy.10/2010-04/2014: Dr. Shelly Levy-Tzedek, ELSC post-doctoral fellow (Shelly won one of first prestigious ELSC post-doc fellowship on the research proposal we wrote) Courses Taught by Candidate:2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013: Course 06125: Functional Neuroanatomy for Cognitive Sciences program (B.Sc. and M.Sc. students).2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012: Course 99164: Principles of Physiology – Occupational therapy (B.Sc.).2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012: Course 91147: Physiology for Nursing (B.Sc.).2010, 2011: Course 48753: Issues in Cognitive Neuroscience – Rothberg International School students (B.Sc.).2011: Course 76950: Workshop on functional MRI methods (M.Sc. and Ph.D. students)