Dr. Yoram Burak

Dr. Yoram
Dancinger B 103, The Hebrew University, Safra campus, Jerusalem 91904, Israel (ELSC office: Silberman 3-610)
Curriculum Vitae: Yoram Burak's lab investigates how neural circuits in the brain perform computations, such as: sensory inference, maintenance of short-term memory, and generation of motor output. To address these questions, we apply theoretical tools and concepts from statistical physics, information theory, statistics, and the theory of dynamical systems. We are also interested in computation and information processing in other biological systems, and their relationship with physical organization and dynamics. The lab is part of ELSC and the Racah Institute of Physics. Publications: Burak, Y. 2014. Spatial coding and attractor dynamics of grid cells in the entorhinal cortex. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 25:169-175. Ali, F, Otchy TM, Pehlevan C, Fantana AL, Burak Y, Ölveczky BP. 2013. The basal ganglia is necessary for learning spectral, but not temporal, features of Birdsong. Neuron. 80(2):494-506. Burak, Y, Fiete IR. 2012. Fundamental limits on persistent activity in networks of noisy neurons. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 109(43):17645-17650.