Dr. Yehuda Pollak

Dr. Yehuda
School of Education, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Mount Scopus , Jerusalem, 91905 Israel
Curriculum Vitae: Education: Ph.D. 2000-2003, Neuropsychology, Psychoneuroimmunology, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, IsraelPost Doc, 2004-2005, Neuroimmunology, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel Professional Positions:2005-2014 Clinical neuropsychologist, The Neuropediatric Unit, Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Jerusalem.2005-2014 Lecturer of Practice, in Neuropsychology, Dept. of Psychology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem2014- Senior lecturer, School of Education, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Affiliations:EUNETHYDIS – The European Network of Hyperkinetic DisordersINS – The International Neuropsychological SocietyISCOP – The Israeli Cognitive Psychology List Research Interest:In the last couple of years my main interest is understanding decision making of children and adults with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Of major concern is the tendency of individuals with ADHD toward risk taking. With other researchers and clinicians we started to reveal some of the characteristics of ADHD-related risk taking, including the prevalence of risk taking, the potential harm of maladpative decision making, moderators of the relation between ADHD and risk taking, as well as cognitive and motivational processes underlying that relation. To examine different hypotheses we use self reports of real-life risk taking, as well as laboratory behavioral economy tasks. Recently I moved from a clinical neuropsychology career to an academic position at the learning disabilities program of the school of education. By doing so, I hope my future research will combine the clinical experience accumulated in the neuropsychological work with the academic, theory-driven laboratory experimentation.  Selected Papers: 1. Pollak, Y., Kahana, G. and Hoofien, D. (2008). Retrieval processes in adults with ADHD: a RAVLT study. Developmental Neuropsychology 33(1), 62–73. 1.964. 2. Pollak, Y., Weiss, P.L., Rizzo, A.A., Weizer, M., Shriki, L., Shalev, R.S. and Gross-Tsur, V. (2009). The utility of a continuous performance test embedded in virtual reality in measuring ADHD-related deficits. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics 30:2-6. 3. Pollak, Y., Kroyzer, N., Yakir, A. and Friedler, M. (2009). Testing possible mechanisms of deficient supra-second time estimation in adults with ADHD. Neuropsychology 23(5):679-86. 4. Pollak, Y., Barhoum Shomaly, H., Weiss, P.L., Rizzo, A.A. and Gross-Tsur, V. (2010). Methylphenidate effect in children with ADHD can be measured by an ecologically valid continuous performance test embedded in virtual reality. CNS Spectrums 125(2):125-30.