Dr. Sebastian Kadener

Short Bio 1993-1998       The University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina. School of Sciences, Department of Biology. Degree: Lic. Cs. Biologicas (equivalent to MSc in Sciences). Major: Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology. Summa cum laude. 1998-2002       The University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina. School of Sciences, Department of Biology. Degree: PhD. Title: “Role of transcriptional elongation on alternative Splicing”. Ph.D. Advisor: Prof. Alberto Kornblihtt.. 2002-2008       Post-Doctoral Fellowship at Brandeis University, MA, USA. Host: Prof. Michael Rosbash, HHMI. Subject: Molecular Neurosciences (circadian rhythms in Drosophila melanogaster).. 2008-present   Senior Lecturer, Biological Chemistry Department, Silberman Institute of Life Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel. Field: Molecular Neurobiology. Research Interest: Normal brain function requires control of gene expression at multiple levels. In particular, regulation of RNA metabolism is emerging as a major regulatory hub for neuronal gene expression control. For example, the brain displays the highest degree of alternative splicing and editing, which might explain the morphological and functional diversity of neurons. Furthermore, many neuronal mRNAs are transported to distant compartments (i.e., axons or dendrites) for storage and/or local translation. Recently, circular RNAs (circRNAs), a highly abundant new type of regulatory RNA have been found across the animal kingdom. Two of these RNAs act as miRNA sponges but no function is known for the thousands of other circRNAs, indicating the existence of a widespread layer of previously unknown gene regulation. Recent work performed in our lab uncovered key aspects of circRNA biosynthesis (Ashwall Fluss et al., Mol Cell 2014). We found that exon circularization competes with canonical pre-mRNA splicing, demonstrating a cis-acting function for circRNAs as “mRNA traps”. We have also identified the first trans-acting factor that promotes circRNA biogenesis: the splicing factor muscleblind. In addition, we have recently obtained preliminary results that link circRNAs to brain function. These preliminary results encourage us to switch our main topic of research in the lab from the study of miRNAs on circadian rhythms to circRNA function in the brain and behavior. In addition to this exciting new project, part of my lab continues to study the molecular and neural bases of circadian behavior (with special emphasis on miRNA regulation). Our present research aims to comprehensively determine the role and mode of actions of circRNAs in gene expression and RNA metabolism in the fly brain. We will do so by studying their biogenesis, transport, and mechanism of action, as well as by determining the roles of circRNAs in neuronal function and behavior. Briefly, we are:  1) identifying factors involved in the biogenesis, localization, and stabilization of circRNAs; 2) determining neuro-developmental, molecular, neural and behavioral phenotypes associated with down or up regulation of specific circRNAs; 3) studying the molecular mechanisms of action of circRNAs; 4) performing mechanistic studies in order to determine cause-effect relationships between circRNA function and brain physiology and behavior and 5) determining the importance of circRNAs for neurodegenerative disorders. In sum, our present research aims to reveal the key pathways by which circRNAs control gene expression and influence neuronal function and behavior.  Therefore it is one of the pioneer works in the study of this new and important area of research, which we predict will fundamentally transform