Dr. Inbal Goshen

Dr. Inbal
The Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences The Alexander Silberman Institute of Life Sciences Room number:3-615 Edmond J.Safra Campus, The Hebrew University.
Curriculum Vitae: Education: 1997-2000  B.A., summa cum laude, Psychology, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel                                                                              2000-2002  M.Sc., summa cum laude, The Hebrew University, Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel  2002-2007  PhD., Neurobiology & Psychology (Prof. Yirmiya & Prof. Ben-Hur), The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel  2008-2012  Post Doctorate, Department of Bio-engineering, (Prof. Karl Deisseroth), Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA  Professional Experience: 2012-present,  Assistant Professor, The Edmond & Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel. 2006-2007 Coordinator of the Neuroscience Review Committee, which evaluated the state of neuroscience at the Hebrew University and recommended the establishment of a new brain research center. The committee members: Prof. Bert Sakmann, Prof. Larry Abbott, Prof. Richard Axel, Prof. Cori Bargmann, Prof. Gerald Fischbach, Prof. Nanacy Kanwisher, and Prof. Nikos Logothetis.                    2003-2006 Academic counselor for the undergraduate students in Psychology, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel.   Teaching Experience: 2013      Lecturer in "Methods in Neurosciences" (for ICNC graduate students) and "physiology  of behavior" (for cognitive sciences students). 2005      Lecturer in ‘Biological Foundations of behavior" (300 students/class) at The Hebrew University. The course was graded first in the department of psychology, and I as a lecturer was graded third in the department (with a score of 19.17 out of 20). 2006      Lecturer in ‘Perception" (300 students/class) at The Hebrew University, (with a score of 19.94 out of 20). 2003      I have designed and taught a new course aimed to introduce the world of Psychobiology to students in the Social Sciences faculty (with a score of 19.63 out of 20). 2003-2004 Lecturer in ‘Biological Foundations of behavior" in the Open University (with a score of 97.6 out of 100). 2000-2004 Teaching assistant in "Biological foundations of Behavior” at the Hebrew University.  Intellectual Property: Goshen I, Deisseroth K. "Control and Characterization of memory function" Provisional patent.             Filed 11-05-10. USPTO application #61/41x,xxx. Honors and Awards: 2013-2016  Alon fellowship 2013     Golda Meir Fellowship Lectureship award 2013     The Sieratzki Prize for Advances in Neuroscience 2008-2011  Machiah post-doctoral fellowship 2008-2009  Rothschild post-doctoral fellowship 2008-2010  Weizmann institute Women in Science award 2005-2007   Rector scholarship - The Isaak Kaye Einstein scholarship. Competitive Grants: 2013-2018 iCORE Centers of Excellence                                                       2013-2018 Israel Science Foundation, Individual research grant                    2013-2018 Israel Science Foundation, Equipment for new faculty member   2013-2014 Abisch-Frenkel Foundation Grant                                                 2013    Alon fellowship                                                                              2014-2016 NARSAD Young Investigator Grant                                             Published Papers: 1.       Goshen I. (2014). The optogenetic revolution in memory research. Trends in Neurosciences. In press. 2.       Prakash R, Yizhar O, Grewe B, Ramakrishnan C, Wang N, Goshen I, Packer AM, Peterka DS, Yuste R, Schnitzer MJ, Deisseroth K. (2012).        Two-photon optogenetic toolbox for fast inhibition, excitation, and bistable modulation. Nature Methods 9(12):1171-9. 3.       Goshen I, Brodsky M, Prakash R, Wallace J, Gradinaru V, Ramakrishnan C, Deisseroth K. (2011). Dynamic retrieval strategies for remote memories. Cell 147(3):678-89.