Dr. Ami Citri

Dr. Ami
The Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Edmond J. Safra Campus Jerusalem 91904
Research Interest: We study how the nervous system encodes experience. Our main model system addresses the development of the response to cocaine experience. Our uniquely multidisciplinary applies knowledge gained from studying the principles of dynamic gene regulation to investigation of neural circuit organization underlying the development of addictive behaviors. Understanding the mechanisms defining neural circuit organization in addiction will lead to unique insight into how the brain encodes experience and is expected to impact the treatment of psychiatric disorders. Read more › Publications: See All Publications Citri, A, Pang ZP, Sudhof TC, Wernig M, Malenka RC.  2012.  Comprehensive qPCR profiling of gene expression in single neuronal cells. Nat Protoc. 7:118-27. Pang, ZP, Yang N, Vierbuchen T, Ostermeier A, Fuentes DR, Yang TQ, Citri A, Sebastiano V, Marro S, Sudhof TC et al..  2011.  Induction of human neuronal cells by defined transcription factors. Nature. 476:220-3. Citri, A, Bhattacharyya S, Ma C, Morishita W, Fang S, Rizo J, Malenka RC.  2010.  Calcium binding to PICK1 is essential for the intracellular retention of AMPA receptors underlying long-term depression. J Neurosci. 30:16437-52.