The Art and Culture of Giving

The third international conference of the Center for the Study of Philanthropy in Israel, the Hebrew University took place on Thursday May 5th, 2011 at Mt. Scopus campus. The conference was held thanks to the generous sponsorship of ELKA, JDC-Israel, the Federmann School of Public Policy and Government at the Hebrew University, Sheatufim The Israel Center for Civil Society, Gandyr foundation, Matan- investing in the community and Maor Foundation.

Prior to the conference, the center issued a press release discussing the philanthropic trends in Israel.

The conference related to various aspects of giving in Israel and around the world, focusing on differences between national philanthropic arenas, community foundations, culture and giving, the motives for giving and giving via partnerships.

The center organized a pre-conference workshop on Wednesday May 4th2011. The workshop was designated for Ph.D students and held by Prof. Paul Schervish, the director of the Center on Wealth and Philanthropy at Boston College. The workshop on "Spiritual Foundation of the Horizons of Wealth, Philanthropy, and Fundraising in the Early 21st Century" was successful and lasted until that late afternoon.

The participants in the workshop were from diverse disciplines in three universities. Press here for pictures from the workshop.


The conference included two keynote speakers: The first lecture was given by Prof. Paul Schervish, Director of The Center on Wealth and Philanthropy at Boston College about: "Financial Capacity and Spiritual Purpose: The Money, Meaning and Motives of 21st Century Philanthropy"

The second lecture was given by Prof. Una Osili, Director of Research at The Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University about: "Understanding Differences in International Philanthropy". Both lectures were fascinating and highly praised by conference participants.


The conference included five academic and professional sessions. The topics of the parallel sessions were as follows:

First session - "The Unique Role of Israeli Philanthropy".

This session was held by Sheatufim The Israel Center for Civil Society, and was chaired by Ms. Atar Razy-Oren, the Director of the Center for Philanthropy. Presenters included Ms. Tzipa Carmon, CEO of Krembo Wings, Mr. Ran Melamed, Deputy Director for Communication and Social Policy, Dr. Baruch Shimoni, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Bar Ilan University and Mr. Michael Miro, journalist and editor in Reshet B, Kol-Israel radio.

Second session - "The Community Foundation as a philanthropic Model- A Global and Local Perspective".

This session was organized by Matan- Investing In the Community and was chaired by Ms. Ahuva Yanai, CEO of MATAN.  Participants includedMs. Ruth Cheshin, President of the Jerusalem Foundation, Aviv Wasserman, adv. Founder and director of Lod Community Foundation and Ms. Neta Katz Epstein, a student in the program of Management of Nonprofit and Community organizations at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Third session – “Cross sector partnerships and giving”

This session presented academic research on the partnerships and was chaired by Dr. Orna  Shemer from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Myers-JDC-Brookdale Institute. The presenters were Dr. Ester Zychlinsky, the department of Social Work, Ariel University Center of Samaria and Dr. Michal Almog-Bar, Paul Baerwald School for Social Work and Social Welfare, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Ms. Ruth Schiller, The program of Management of Nonprofit and Community organizations, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Mr. Itay Greenspan, a doctoral student at the School of Social Policy & Practice, University of Pennsylvania.

 Forth session - “Motives for Giving”

 This session presented academic research on motives for philanthropic behavior from the  psychological perspective and was chaired by Dr. Elisheva Sadan, the Paul Baerwald School for Social Work and Social Welfare, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Participants in this session were Prof. Ariel Knafo, Department of Psychology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Prof. Ilana Ritov, The School of Education, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Ms. Anat Perry, a doctoral student at the Department of Psychology, The   Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

 Fifth session – "Various aspects of giving"

This session presented academic research on various aspects of philanthropy and was chaired by Dr. Anat Gofen, The Federmann School of Policy and Government, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Participants in this session were Dr. Aigerim R. Ibrayeva, Department of Public Administration, College of Social Science, Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Economics, and Strategic Research, Ms. Ronit Amit, CEO of Gandyr Foundation and Dr. Chaya Jamshy, CEO Shahaf Foundation,Ms. Osnat Hazan, Central Bureau of Statistics.

ELKA JDC Israel organized the session on "Lay leadership's role in ensuring NGO's sustainability and resource development" that was chaired by Ms. Michal Lester Levy, Director of the Penni and Stephen Weinberg Center for Lay Leadership in Israel in ELKA - JDC Israel. Participants in this session were Ms. Shira Ruderman, the Israel Director of the Ruderman Family Foundation & chairperson of Kesher, Mr. Avraham Burg, Chairman Mifalot Social and Educational Enterprise and Mr. Clive Lessem, CEO Lessem Consulting LTD.


The conference ended after an open discussion chaired by Prof Hillel Schmid, Prof. Paul Schervish and Prof. Una Osili. The discussion focused on the subjects addressed during the conference, especially on the ability to research and understand differences in giving: cultural, national, gender- oriented, age differences and more.

There were180 participated at the conference from various sectors: associations, foundations, philanthropists, NGOs, decision makers and government representatives, researchers, research students, fundraisers, and the media. Press here for pictures from the conference.

The Center for the Study of Philanthropy in Israel is thankful to all of the sponsors, partners, keynote speakers, presenters and participants of the pre-conference and conference. We invite you to participate in our seminars, conferences and other occasions.