Workshop on Cross-Sector Partnerships to Promote Volunteering and Social Engagement in Israel

Workshop on Cross-Sector Partnerships to Promote Volunteering and Social Engagement in Israel


The Center for the Study of Civil Society and Philanthropy in Israel, in partnership with the Israeli Volunteer Project of JDC-Ashalim, hosted a workshop on cross-sectoral partnerships to promote volunteering and social engagement in Israel.


Of those in attendance were directors, deputy directors and volunteer managers from a variety of civil society organizations. Insights on cross-sectoral partnerships were presented by Dr. Michal Almog-Bar, Director of the Center for the Study of Civil Society and Philanthropy in Israel, and SW Nili Dror, Director of the Community Resources Department at the Ministry of Social Affairs. The partnership initiative between the Center and the Ministry of Social Affairs gave the participants an experiential workshop on managing complex partnerships. The workshop concluded with a discussion between participants about the complexities of cross-sectoral partnerships in light of the partnership of the JDC-Ashalin Israeli Volunteer Project.
