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Civic Engagement and Information: Technological Innovation for the Promotion of Civil Society and Giving in Israel

On Wednesday, October 31, 2018, The Center for the Study of Civil Society and Philanthropy in Israel hosted the conference "Civic Engagement and Information: Technological Innovation for the Promotion of Civil Society and Giving in Israel". The conference was organized by The Center in collaboration with Guidestar Israel, The Israeli Corporations Authority, and The Israeli Volunteer Network. One hundered and fifty people attended the conference, among them representatives of nonprofit organizations, philanthropic foundations, volunteer professionals, local and national government representatives, and students and researchers in the field of civil society. 

The conference discussed the use of technological tools and the new ways in which information can be used, as well as in the inherent possibilities for civil society organizations and the promotion of social participation. The conference also presented innovations in Guidestar Israel, and other technological tools in the feild of social participation, giving and volunteering. 

Emi Palmor

Itay Greenspan

Shai Velmer

Tamar Berger

Michal Almog-Bar
