
Civic Engagement and Information: Technological Innovation for the Promotion of Civil Society and Giving in Israel

On Wednesday, October 31, 2018, The Center for the Study of Civil Society and Philanthropy in Israel hosted the conference "Civic Engagement and Information: Technological Innovation for the Promotion of Civil Society and Giving in Israel". The conference was organized by The Center in collaboration with Guidestar Israel, The Israeli Corporations Authority, and The Israeli Volunteer Network. One hundered and fifty people attended the conference, among them representatives of nonprofit organizations, philanthropic foundations, volunteer professionals, local and national government representatives, and students and researchers in the field of civil society. 

The conference discussed the use of technological tools and the new ways in which information can be used, as well as in the inherent possibilities for civil society organizations and the promotion of social participation. The conference also presented innovations in Guidestar Israel, and other technological tools in the feild of social participation, giving and volunteering. 

Emi Palmor

Itay Greenspan

Shai Velmer

Tamar Berger

Michal Almog-Bar


Civil Society and the Welfare State in the Era of New Public Governance: An International Perspective

Civil Society and the Welfare State in the Era of New Public Governance: An International Perspective

The Center, in collaboration with the National Science Foundation, held an international research workshop on civil society and the welfare state in the era of new public governance. The workshop concluded with a conference of 100 participants. Among those in attendence were representatives of philanthropic foundations, managers, employees and activists from civil society organizations, government officials, private sector representatives, researchers and students. 

Cross-Boundary Giving: Changes and Trends in the 21st Century

The fourth international conference of the Center for the Study of Philanthropy in Israel, the Hebrew University, took place on Thursday May 23rd, 2013 at Mt. Scopus campus.

Cross-Sectoral Partnerships, Integrated Governance and Organizational Hybridization

Cross-Sectoral Partnerships, Integrated Governance and Organizational Hybridization

31/4-1/5 2017

The conference, held in Toronto, Canada, was a joint initiative of the Center for the Study of Civil Society and Philanthropy in Israel, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem; the Center for the Study of the Voluntary Sector, University of Toronto, Canada; and the School of Business Administration, Queens University, Ontario, Canada.

In attendance were 20 researchers from several of universities around the world, who presented new research on partnerships, cross-sectoral relations, integrated governance and organizational hybrids.



Cross-Sectoral Partnerships: Implications for Policy and Practice

The Center for the Study of Civil Society and Philanthropy in Israel held an international conference on Thursday, June 26th, 2014 at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel, Mt. Scopus campus. The conference was supported by the Committee for Conferences at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Gandyr Foundation, Ted Arison Foundation, Bronfman Family Foundation, Sheatufim- the Israeli Center for Civil Society and the JDC Institute for Leadership and Governance.

The conference discussed cross-sectoral partnerships in Israel and in a comparative perspective. The aim of the conference was to broaden the understanding of theoretical and empirical models of cross‐sector partnerships that have potential to contribute to the strengthening of civil society, citizens, and especially the recipients of services.

The conference ended with a meeting of experts on the same topic in which 14 Canadian and Israeli scholars participated, all of whom are studying various aspects of cross-sectoral partnerships. The workshop was held with the generous support of the Helbert Center for Canadian Studies and The Hebrew University, between June 23-25.  

The plenary session summarized the experts meeting, presenting theoretical perspectives, current research, and implications for policy and practice. Participants included Prof. Hillel Schmid, Director of the Center for the Study of Civil Society and Philanthropy in Israel; Dr. Michal Almog-Bar, the School of Social Work and Social Welfare, Hebrew University; Prof. Raymond Dart, Director and Associate Professor, Business Administration, Trent University, Peterborough; Ms. Michal Tzuk, the director of Employment Regulation & Senior Deputy Director General at Israeli Ministry of Economy and Ms. Shira Ruderman, Director of the Ruderman Family Foundation.

The keynote lecturer was Dr. Susan Phillips, Professor and Director, School of Public Policy & Administration, Carlton University, Ottawa: "Partnerships for Strengthening Civil Society: Rhetoric? Reality? Potential?"


The conference included two parallel sessions:


"Cross Sector Educational Initiatives: How They Promote Impact". Two cases from the field.

This session was held by Sheatufim, The Israel Center for Civil Society, and was chaired by Adv. Anat Cabili, Mediator and Facilitator of Collaborative Governance Processes, and Senior Roundtable Consultant for Sheatufim. Presenters included Ms. Inbar Hurvitz, Director, Social Impact Initiatives, Sheatufim; Mr. Miki Nevo, Senior VP Research and Development, Rashi Foundation; Ms. Gila Ben-Har, CEO, Center for Educational Technology (CET); Ms. Michal Oz-ari, Head of Inter-Sectorial Programs and Partnerships, The Pedagogical Administration, Ministry of Education and Dr. Wenjue Knutsen, assistant professor, school of business & school of policy studies Queen's University, Canada.


"Regional Clusters – An Innovative Model for Collaboration and Regional Development between Municipalities and Local Authorities"

This session was held by the JDC Institute for Leadership and Governance and was chaired by Mr. Guy Avrutzky, Director of Strategic R&D in the JDC Institute of Leadership and Governance. Presenters included Dr. Chemy Avnery (adv.), Head of Local Government Law Dept. Sapir College Law School, Israel; Ms. Nurit Tsur, Executive Director of the Eastern Galilee Regional Cluster; Dr. Yochanan Doron, Head of Education Department, Netivot Municipality; Mr. Asher Stern, Deputy Director General, Dimona Development Foundation and Dr. Agnes Meinhard, Associate Professor, Tenured Member of the Graduate Faculty Ryerson University, Toronto and Director, Centre for Voluntary Sector Studies, Canada.


There were 90 participated at the conference from various sectors: associations, foundations, philanthropists, NGOs, decision makers and government representatives, researchers, research students and the media. Click here for pictures from the conference.

The Center for the Study of Philanthropy in Israel is grateful to all of the sponsors, partners, keynote speakers, presenters and participants of the pre-conference and conference. We invite you to participate in future events. 

Research Seminars - 2015

On March 2nd a lecture was held by Mr. Eilon Tirosh, Chairman and founder of Yuvalim on "Social and strategic entrepreneurship"

On March 16th a lecture was held by Dr. Orna Shemer from the social work department at Ruppin Academic Center and the school of social work at the Hebrew University on "The contribution of mission communities to the civil society and the professional community"

On April 13th a lecture was held by Ms. Michal Oz-Ari, Head of Inter-Sectorial Programs and Partnerships, The Pedagogical Administration, Ministry of Education on "What happened when the donor ran away- the policy for integrating programs in the education system".

On April 27th a lecture was held by Dr. Sarab Abu-Rabia-Queder, senior lecturer at the Institutes for Desert Research, Ben Gurion University and gender researcher in the Palestinian society in Israel on "Activism of Arabic women in the Negev: 20 years where?". For the article from 2007, press here.

On May 11th a lecture was held by Dr. Gali Sembira, Program Head of 120 at Shaharit and senior advisor in cross sectoral consultation processes at Sheatufim on "who needs an organized civil society?"

On May 25th a lecture was held by Dr. Michael Miro, Senior journalist in "Kol Yisrael" and Doctor of political science on "Civic ideology in the journey for the Knesset"

The Art and Culture of Giving

The third international conference of the Center for the Study of Philanthropy in Israel, the Hebrew University took place on Thursday May 5th, 2011 at Mt. Scopus campus. The conference was held thanks to the generous sponsorship of ELKA, JDC-Israel, the Federmann School of Public Policy and Government at the Hebrew University, Sheatufim The Israel Center for Civil Society, Gandyr foundation, Matan- investing in the community and Maor Foundation.

Prior to the conference, the center issued a press release discussing the philanthropic trends in Israel.

The conference related to various aspects of giving in Israel and around the world, focusing on differences between national philanthropic arenas, community foundations, culture and giving, the motives for giving and giving via partnerships.

The center organized a pre-conference workshop on Wednesday May 4th2011. The workshop was designated for Ph.D students and held by Prof. Paul Schervish, the director of the Center on Wealth and Philanthropy at Boston College. The workshop on "Spiritual Foundation of the Horizons of Wealth, Philanthropy, and Fundraising in the Early 21st Century" was successful and lasted until that late afternoon.

The participants in the workshop were from diverse disciplines in three universities. Press here for pictures from the workshop.


The conference included two keynote speakers: The first lecture was given by Prof. Paul Schervish, Director of The Center on Wealth and Philanthropy at Boston College about: "Financial Capacity and Spiritual Purpose: The Money, Meaning and Motives of 21st Century Philanthropy"

The second lecture was given by Prof. Una Osili, Director of Research at The Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University about: "Understanding Differences in International Philanthropy". Both lectures were fascinating and highly praised by conference participants.


The conference included five academic and professional sessions. The topics of the parallel sessions were as follows:

First session - "The Unique Role of Israeli Philanthropy".

This session was held by Sheatufim The Israel Center for Civil Society, and was chaired by Ms. Atar Razy-Oren, the Director of the Center for Philanthropy. Presenters included Ms. Tzipa Carmon, CEO of Krembo Wings, Mr. Ran Melamed, Deputy Director for Communication and Social Policy, Dr. Baruch Shimoni, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Bar Ilan University and Mr. Michael Miro, journalist and editor in Reshet B, Kol-Israel radio.

Second session - "The Community Foundation as a philanthropic Model- A Global and Local Perspective".

This session was organized by Matan- Investing In the Community and was chaired by Ms. Ahuva Yanai, CEO of MATAN.  Participants includedMs. Ruth Cheshin, President of the Jerusalem Foundation, Aviv Wasserman, adv. Founder and director of Lod Community Foundation and Ms. Neta Katz Epstein, a student in the program of Management of Nonprofit and Community organizations at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Third session – “Cross sector partnerships and giving”

This session presented academic research on the partnerships and was chaired by Dr. Orna  Shemer from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Myers-JDC-Brookdale Institute. The presenters were Dr. Ester Zychlinsky, the department of Social Work, Ariel University Center of Samaria and Dr. Michal Almog-Bar, Paul Baerwald School for Social Work and Social Welfare, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Ms. Ruth Schiller, The program of Management of Nonprofit and Community organizations, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Mr. Itay Greenspan, a doctoral student at the School of Social Policy & Practice, University of Pennsylvania.

 Forth session - “Motives for Giving”

 This session presented academic research on motives for philanthropic behavior from the  psychological perspective and was chaired by Dr. Elisheva Sadan, the Paul Baerwald School for Social Work and Social Welfare, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Participants in this session were Prof. Ariel Knafo, Department of Psychology, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Prof. Ilana Ritov, The School of Education, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Ms. Anat Perry, a doctoral student at the Department of Psychology, The   Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

 Fifth session – "Various aspects of giving"

This session presented academic research on various aspects of philanthropy and was chaired by Dr. Anat Gofen, The Federmann School of Policy and Government, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Participants in this session were Dr. Aigerim R. Ibrayeva, Department of Public Administration, College of Social Science, Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Economics, and Strategic Research, Ms. Ronit Amit, CEO of Gandyr Foundation and Dr. Chaya Jamshy, CEO Shahaf Foundation,Ms. Osnat Hazan, Central Bureau of Statistics.

ELKA JDC Israel organized the session on "Lay leadership's role in ensuring NGO's sustainability and resource development" that was chaired by Ms. Michal Lester Levy, Director of the Penni and Stephen Weinberg Center for Lay Leadership in Israel in ELKA - JDC Israel. Participants in this session were Ms. Shira Ruderman, the Israel Director of the Ruderman Family Foundation & chairperson of Kesher, Mr. Avraham Burg, Chairman Mifalot Social and Educational Enterprise and Mr. Clive Lessem, CEO Lessem Consulting LTD.


The conference ended after an open discussion chaired by Prof Hillel Schmid, Prof. Paul Schervish and Prof. Una Osili. The discussion focused on the subjects addressed during the conference, especially on the ability to research and understand differences in giving: cultural, national, gender- oriented, age differences and more.

There were180 participated at the conference from various sectors: associations, foundations, philanthropists, NGOs, decision makers and government representatives, researchers, research students, fundraisers, and the media. Press here for pictures from the conference.

The Center for the Study of Philanthropy in Israel is thankful to all of the sponsors, partners, keynote speakers, presenters and participants of the pre-conference and conference. We invite you to participate in our seminars, conferences and other occasions.

The Challenges of Social Engagement in Israel: Volunteering, Philanthropy and Civil Society within Changing Reality

The Challenges of Social Engagement in Israel: Volunteering, Philanthropy and Civil Society within Changing Reality



The Center for the Study of Civil Society and Philanthropy in Israel held its annual conference on April 20, 2018. The conference focused on the challenges of civic engagement in Israel and the promotion social engagement as an integral component to the existence of an active and strong democracy.  Three arenas were explored at the conference: civil society, volunteerism and philanthropy. The conference dealt with the challenges faced within these arenas and the interfaces between them. With the help of research findings from Israel and around the world, knowledge from the field, and models of action, we attempted to examine the ways in which to deal with the aforementioned challenges, and to promote the contribution and the impact of social engagement in the development of society and the economy in Israel.

The opening session was led by Prof. Lucas Meijs of Erasmus University in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, one of the leading researchers in Europe in the field of social engagement. Prof. Meijs presented the challenges to social engagement in a global perspective. Following his lecture, a discussion was held, led by a cross-sectoral panel on the challenges of social engagement in Israel.

The second session was comprised of six parallel workshops took place in which key questions concerning the state of social engagement in Israel were discussed, and new concepts and models of action from the world and from Israel were presented to promote social and civic engagement.

The Third and final session discussed the future challenges of social engagement in Israel, while addressing issues of social engagement in the era of technology and information; the challenges of civil society, identity politics, multiculturalism and diversity in social engagement.

The conference was a joint initiative of the Center for the Study of Civil Society and Philanthropy at the Hebrew University; the Israeli Volunteer Initiative of JDC Israel-Ashalim; Gandyr Foundation; Sheatufim; Intel; JDC Former Soviet Union; The Ministry of Labor, Welfare and Social Services; the National Emergency Authority in the Ministry of Defense; the Ministry of Education; the Office for Social Equality; the Ministry of Health; the Office of the Prime Ministry; and the National Insurance Institute.

There were 350 attendees at the conference, including researchers, students, national and local government representatives, representatives of non-profit organizations and of philanthropic foundations, as well as of volunteer organizations.

Michal Almog-Bar

The Role of Philanthropy in the Formulation of Public Policy

The Center for the Study of Philanthropy in Israel, ELKA&VPLand TEVET - JDC Israel, The Center for Philanthropy at Sheatufim, The Israel Center for Civil Society, and The Federmann School of Public Policy and Government, held Conference at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mt. Scopus.

The conference explored the connections between Philanthropy and Public Policy through  four panels:

1.  Philanthropists as policy makers - philanthropists attitudes towards the government

2. Social responsibility in employment - between philanthropy and profitability  

3. Who wants to promote legislation sustaining private philanthropy in Israel?

4.  Public policy and philanthropy: new research findings

The  Keynote speakers in the conference:

1. Prof. Joel L. Fleishman, Director of the Sam and Ronnie Heyman Center for Ethics, Public Policy, and the Professions within the Terry Sanford Institute of Public Policy, Duke University.

2. Prof. Peter Frumkin, Professor of Public Affairs and Director, RGK Center for Philanthropy and Community Service, The University of Texas at Austin.

Workshop on Cross-Sector Partnerships to Promote Volunteering and Social Engagement in Israel

Workshop on Cross-Sector Partnerships to Promote Volunteering and Social Engagement in Israel


The Center for the Study of Civil Society and Philanthropy in Israel, in partnership with the Israeli Volunteer Project of JDC-Ashalim, hosted a workshop on cross-sectoral partnerships to promote volunteering and social engagement in Israel.


Of those in attendance were directors, deputy directors and volunteer managers from a variety of civil society organizations. Insights on cross-sectoral partnerships were presented by Dr. Michal Almog-Bar, Director of the Center for the Study of Civil Society and Philanthropy in Israel, and SW Nili Dror, Director of the Community Resources Department at the Ministry of Social Affairs. The partnership initiative between the Center and the Ministry of Social Affairs gave the participants an experiential workshop on managing complex partnerships. The workshop concluded with a discussion between participants about the complexities of cross-sectoral partnerships in light of the partnership of the JDC-Ashalin Israeli Volunteer Project.


“Changes in Civil Society and Philanthropy: Patterns of Civic Engagement in the 21st Century”

The Center for the Study of Philanthropy in Israel held an international conference on Wednesday, March 11th, 2015 at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel, Mt. Scopus campus.