
Collaboration with Ryerson University and Queens University, Canada

In April 2017, The Center for the Study of Civil Society and Philanthropy in Israel, in collaboration with Ryerson University and Queens University, Canada held an international workshop in Toronto: "Living in a World of Blurring Sectoral Boundaries: an International Workshop on Organizational Hybridity, Cross-Sectoral Relationships and Network Governance". Twenty researchers from different countries participated in the workshop and  presented their studies, including four researchers from of the Center for Study the Civil Society and Philanthropy in Israel.  

The workshop was supported by a grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

The workshop program.

International Research Group on Episodic Volunteering

The Center is part of an international reserach group, comprised of 22 countries, focusing on episodic volunteering (defined as volunteering for a pre-determined amount of time in contrast to ongoing volunteering). The goal of this study is to learn about the experience of people who volunteer in short-term events or one-time activities

International research group on "Philanthropy and Civil Society in the Middle East"


The Center for the Study of Civil Society and Philanthropy in Israel In cooperation with the Lilly family school of Philanthropy at Indiana University,  launched a new international reserach group about philanthropy and civil society in the Middle East. The group is comprised of researchers from Israel, the US, Europe and countries in the Middle East, including Turkey, Lebanon, and other countries.  

The group meets at the annual ARNOVA conference.   

Network researchers ENROP

The Center for the Study of Civil Society and Philanthropy in Israel is part of a European network of researchers for the Study of Philanthropy - ERNOP.


Partnership Agreement between the Center for the study of Civil Society and Philanthropy in Israel with the School of Philanthropy at the University of Indiana, USA

The Center for the Study of Civil Society and Philanthropy in Israel and the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University agreed on a strategic partnership program encompassing research, teaching, knowledge exchange, student exchange, joint research projects related to philanthropy and other fields of inquiry such as nonprofit management, civil society studies, Jewish philanthropy, and social entrepreneurship.