
André Lemaire. 2024. Judahite Hebrew Epigraphy And Cult. Pp. 43-72.
This article presents a tentative review of the information about First Temple-period Judahite cult, which historians of religion can glean from the various inscriptions discovered so far. It surveys the various deities, sanctuaries, cultic rites, and feast days mentioned. When an inscription’s reading, dating, or interpretation is controversial, I take a stand as an epigrapher but also consider the archaeological context and biblical literature. This status quaestionis seems to capture an important historical evolution of Juhadite cult.
Ofra Tirosh-Becker. 2024. Judeo-Arabic Translations From The Bible To Robinson Crusoe: A Centre Vs. Periphery Perspective. בתוך A. Hornkohl, M.m. Connolly, E. Coghill, B. Outhwaite, N. Vidro, And J.c.e. Watson (Eds.), Interconnected Traditions: Semitic Languages, Literatures, Cultures. Cambridge, Uk: Open Book Publishers [30 Pages, In Print].
Brett Buttliere, Arvanitis, Alexios , Białek, Michał , Choshen-Hillel, Shoham , Davidai, Shai , Gilovich, Thomas , Haran, Uriel , Jiang-Wang, Ángela , Teo, Qiao Kang, Kotrba, Vojtech , Liu, Chengwei , Mandel, David , Pennycook, Gordon , Rebholz, Tobias R, Schulte-Mecklenbeck, Michael , Schwarz, Norbert , Shtudiner, Zeev , Sloman, Steven , Sundh, Joakim , Sunstein, Cass , Västfjäll, Daniel , ו Weick, Mario . 2024. Kahneman In Quotes And Reflections. Psychological Inquiry, 35, Pp. 3–10. doi:10.1080/1047840x.2024.2366813. Publisher's Version תקציר
In this retrospective honoring the exemplary psychologist Daniel Kahneman (1934–2024), the authors present a curated selection of quotes from the academic community reflecting on his ideas. These submissions, gathered from a wide range of scholars, highlight Kahneman’s contributions to fields spanning attention, judgment, decision-making, and well-being. From his exploration of cognitive biases to his groundbreaking work on prospect theory, Kahneman’s research revolutionized researchers’ understanding of human behavior and decision-making. Beyond his research, many quotes also emphasize Kahneman’s thoughts on what it means to be a behavioral scientist—focusing on a commitment to criticism, transparency, and adversarial collaboration; showcasing the dynamic nature of scientific inquiry across disciplinary divides; and highlighting his dedication to advancing the greater good. Together, these reflections paint a portrait of a visionary thinker whose theoretical and meta-scientific contributions have left an indelible mark on psychology and other social sciences.
Eitan Moses, Atlan, Tehila , Sun, Xue , Franěk, Roman , Siddiqui, Atif , Marinov, Georgi K, Shifman, Sagiv , Zucker, David M, Oron-Gottesman, Adi , Greenleaf, William J, Cohen, Ehud , Ram, Oren , ו Harel, Itamar . 2024. The Killifish Germline Regulates Longevity And Somatic Repair In A Sex-Specific Manner. Nat Aging, 4, 6, Pp. 791-813. doi:10.1038/s43587-024-00632-0. תקציר

Classical evolutionary theories propose tradeoffs among reproduction, damage repair and lifespan. However, the specific role of the germline in shaping vertebrate aging remains largely unknown. In this study, we used the turquoise killifish (Nothobranchius furzeri) to genetically arrest germline development at discrete stages and examine how different modes of infertility impact life history. We first constructed a comprehensive single-cell gonadal atlas, providing cell-type-specific markers for downstream phenotypic analysis. We show here that germline depletion-but not arresting germline differentiation-enhances damage repair in female killifish. Conversely, germline-depleted males instead showed an extension in lifespan and rejuvenated metabolic functions. Through further transcriptomic analysis, we highlight enrichment of pro-longevity pathways and genes in germline-depleted male killifish and demonstrate functional conservation of how these factors may regulate longevity in germline-depleted Caenorhabditis elegans. Our results, therefore, demonstrate that different germline manipulation paradigms can yield pronounced sexually dimorphic phenotypes, implying alternative responses to classical evolutionary tradeoffs.

Jake Zuehl. 2024. Kolodny Against Hierarchy. Philosophy & Public Affairs. . Publisher's Version
Yehuda Moraly. 7/1/2024. L'Opera Theodor De Ido Riklin Et Jonathan Knan. Actualite Juive , 1747 , Pp. 14-15.
Moriah Omer-Attali, Lefstein, Adam , ו Netz, Hadar . 2024. Laughter And Classroom Boundaries. Language And Education, Pp. 1–19.
Micha Lazarus. 2024. Laurence Nowell, Schoolmaster Of Sutton Coldfield. Notes And Queries, 71, 1, Pp. 25-29. . Publisher's Version תקציר
Our decades-long project to disambiguate the two Laurences Nowell is substantially complete. One (c.1516–76) was Dean of Lichfield from 1560 to his death, brother of Alexander Nowell, schoolmaster of Westminster and Dean of St Paul’s. The other (c.153069), of greater interest to intellectual history, was an antiquary, cartographer, and pioneer in Old English scholarship, cousin to Alexander. Some outstanding questions, however, remain. In the present note, I adduce evidence from the Vice-Principal’s Register at Brasenose demonstrating that it was Laurence Nowell, not his elder brother Alexander, who left Brasenose to become a schoolmaster in 1546; and Laurence the future Dean of Lichfield, not his cousin Laurence the antiquary, who served as master of the grammar school at Sutton Coldfield from 1546 to 1550.

The Book of Job, like other ancient Near Eastern and biblical texts, makes relatively frequent use of gestures in its discourse. The interpretation of these gestures is often moot. Is a particular gesture physical, which is to say literal, or (also) symbolic, which is to say figurative? How is a gesture’s meaning in a particular context to be divined? Job’s placing his hand over his mouth, for example, is almost universally understood to reflect his self-censure, his silencing of himself. Comparing other instances of this gesture, in Job and elsewhere, leads to a very different nuance of meaning. Silencing oneself is not self-censure but rather an indication of a desire to listen or hear more. This and other gestures in Job will be discussed with attention to the criteria by which meaning, in such instances, is (or is not) determined.


January 2024: Edward L. Greenstein is professor emeritus of Bible at Bar-Ilan University. He has held professorships at the Jewish Theological Seminary and Tel Aviv University and has taught at the Columbia University Graduate School, Yale, Princeton, the Hebrew University, and elsewhere. Recipient of the EMET Prize ("Israel’s Nobel") in the field of Humanities-Biblical Studies, Greenstein has authored and edited numerous works, most prominently Job: A New Translation  (Yale University Press, 2019). He is currently writing commentaries on Job, Lamentations, and Ruth, as well as other books.

Yehuda Moraly. 1/2024. Le Petit Dictionnaire De Jerusalem . Actualite Juive . תקציר
Review of a book by Moshe Cohen-Solal
Yehuda Moraly. 2024. Le Theatre Et Le Mal . בתוך Figures Du Mal . Paris: In Press. תקציר

Thérapie du Mal, son incarnation suprême, ou les deux à la fois : sous toutes ses formes, au cours de toute sa longue histoire, le Théâtre a toujours été lié au Mal. Dresser une liste de leurs rapports serait réécrire l’histoire du Théâtre universel.

Dès son origine grecque, les cérémonies effectuées en l’honneur de Dionysos, dieu de l’ivresse, de la folie, du désordre, semblent exalter le Mal et, en même temps, s’en débarrasser. Ces cérémonies théâtrales se composaient de quatre parties. Les trois premières racontaient une histoire empruntée aux mythes ancestraux. La quatrième partie, dont aucun texte n’a été conservé, parodiait, bafouait, inversait les trois premières parties. Et il me semble deviner que dans l’expérience théâtrale de ces fêtes données en l’honneur du dieu de l’ivresse, c’était cette partie, la carnavalesque, liée au chaos, qui était essentielle. On ne racontait les exploits héroïques, les transes prophétiques, les apparitions sacrées que, pour une fois dans l’année, en rire à la manière dont, dans ses comédies, Aristophane traîne dans la boue tout l’Olympe. Le public, les participants, voyant exposé le Mal sur scène, sortaient purgés de la cérémonie. Et, après une longue période où le Théâtre est interdit parce que l’Eglise, à la suite des Sages du Talmud, y voit l’incarnation même du Mal, le Théâtre, quand il renaît, se présente toujours comme une thérapie. Molière voudrait par ses comédies corriger les vices des hommes. Par le rire, il prétend dissiper les humeurs noires mieux que ne le font les médecins avec leurs clystères. Plus tard, le mélodrame oppose à un couple vertueux un personnage absolument mauvais dont l’élimination permet l’heureux dénouement. Formule dont l’efficacité se perpétue dans la plupart des produits imaginaires que nous consommons : s’identifiant au personnage positif, le spectateur vit, le temps de la pièce ou du film, la difficile ou cocasse victoire du Bien sur le Mal.

S’opposant à cette sorte d’Art digestif, qui ne résout rien de véritable, Brecht et ses successeurs apprennent aux spectateurs à se libérer d’une mauvaise image sociale. Le Théâtre devient pédagogie, traque l’injustice et les malformations sociales.

Si nous nous tournons vers l’Orient, là aussi le Théâtre fonctionne comme une thérapie du Mal. Dans le Théâtre Nô, le Shite, protagoniste du Nô est souvent une âme errante, qui ne parvient pas à gagner les sphères supérieures et à se détacher du monde. Elle se délivre des derniers liens qui la rattachaient ici-bas par une danse thérapeutique réactivant les circonstances de la mort, souvent violente, suicide ou assassinat. Revivre par la danse les circonstances de la mort lui permet d’accéder à la paix. En Inde, le Kathakali, tout au long de la nuit de théâtre pendant laquelle se déroule la cérémonie, présente le spectacle du triomphe des forces positives sur les forces négatives venues du Royaume infernal pour danser et livrer de longues batailles.

Idan Sabag, Bi, Y , Shahoo, MM , Herrmann, Ittai , Morota, Gota , ו Peleg, Zvi . 2024. Leveraging Genomics And Temporal High-Throughput Phenotyping To Enhance Association Mapping And Yield Prediction In Sesame. The Plant Genome, Pp. e20481. . Publisher's Version תקציר
Sesame (Sesamum indicum) is an important oilseed crop with rising demand owing to its nutritional and health benefits. There is an urgent need to develop and integrate new genomic-based breeding strategies to meet these future demands. While genomic resources have advanced genetic research in sesame, the implementation of high-throughput phenotyping and genetic analysis of longitudinal traits remains limited. Here, we combined high-throughput phenotyping and random regression models to investigate the dynamics of plant height, leaf area index, and five spectral vegetation indices throughout the sesame growing seasons in a diversity panel. Modeling the temporal phenotypic and additive genetic trajectories revealed distinct patterns corresponding to the sesame growth cycle. We also conducted longitudinal genomic prediction and association mapping of plant height using various models and cross-validation schemes. Moderate prediction accuracy was obtained when predicting new genotypes at each time point, and moderate to high values were obtained when forecasting future phenotypes. Association mapping revealed three genomic regions in linkage groups 6, 8, and 11, conferring trait variation over time and growth rate. Furthermore, we leveraged correlations between the temporal trait and seed-yield and applied multi-trait genomic prediction. We obtained an improvement over single-trait analysis, especially when phenotypes from earlier time points were used, highlighting the potential of using a high-throughput phenotyping platform as a selection tool. Our results shed light on the genetic control of longitudinal traits in sesame and underscore the potential of high-throughput phenotyping to detect a wide range of traits and genotypes that can inform sesame breeding efforts to enhance yield.
Sewon Park, Oh, Hee-Seok , ו Lee, Jaeyong . 2024. Lévy Adaptive B-Spline Regression Via Overcomplete Systems. Stat. Sin.
Sewon Park, Oh, Hee-Seok , ו Lee, Jaeyong . 2024. Lévy Adaptive B-Spline Regression Via Overcomplete Systems. Stat. Sin.
Naomi Mandel. 5/2024. Lights! Camera! Computer!. בתוך Towards The Realm Of Materiality: Designing Philip L. Dick's Non-Existing Technologies. Edited By German A. Duarte, Andrea Facchetti, And Seçil Uğur Yavuz, Pp. 72-86. Nero Editions.
Ofra Tirosh-Becker. 2024. Linguistic Terms In A Tri-Lingual Dictionary From Algeria (1930). Language Studies 20 [17 Pages] (In Print).
Joseph Acquisto. 2024. On Listening And Failure: Roger Laporte With Marcel Proust. Partial Answers, 22, 1, Pp. 141-159. . Publisher's Version תקציר

This essay reads Roger Laporte’s Une voix de fin silence (A voice of fine silence), the second volume of his idiosyncratic work Une vie (A life), in dialogue with the early volumes of Marcel Proust’s A la recherché du temps perdu (In Search of Lost Time).  A constellation emerges from the analysis that allows us to consider the interrrelations and interdependence of Laporte’s text, his work as a critic on Proust, and the Recherche itself. The essay argues that Laporte’s textual engagement with Proust allows us to re-evaluate notions of literary failure so as to redefine what counts as the success of a literary project conceived as a writing about writing and becoming a writer.  Both Proust and Laporte practice a literary writing that evokes mental experience while never being synonymous with it because, as their texts demonstrate, mental and literary experience can never coincide perfectly.  Laporte labels the writer’s search a “listening,” a precarious activity which, like failure, is impossible to summon on command and which can only be recognized as such in retrospect as a motor of literary creation. 


August 2023: Joseph Acquisto is Professor of French at the University of Vermont.  His research focuses on literature of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, with particular attention to the relations between literature, music, and philosophy. His books include French Symbolist Poetry and the Idea of Music, Crusoes and Other Castaways in Modern French Literature: Solitary Adventures, The Fall Out of Redemption: Writing and Thinking Beyond Salvation in Baudelaire, Cioran, Fondane, Agamben, and Nancy, and Reading Baudelaire with Adorno: Dissonance, Subjectivity, Transcendence.

The subject of literacy in ancient Israel and Judah remains hotly debated among scholars, and the case of the Kingdom of Judah proves especially controversial. To disentangle a complicated issue, this article first draws up a typology of approaches used by scholars to tackle questions such as the population’s rate of literacy, the Judeans’ ability to write down literary texts, and the development of literacy throughout the centuries. Then, it critically examines two quantitative approaches, which have been highly influential and currently promote the thesis that the levels of literacy were minimal in the early monarchic period in Judah (in contrast to the situation in Israel) and considerably increased at the end of this period.