
Kitāb Ādāb al-Murīdīn
1978. Kitāb Ādāb Al-Murīdīn, Pp. 112 + 43 pp. Jerusalem: The Max Schloessinger Memorial Foundation.

Kitāb ādāb al-murīdīn is unique among known Ṣūfī compositions in that it presents Ṣūfism from the standpoint of ādāb (rules of conduct). Composed by one of the four great masters of Ṣūfism bearing the nisba Suhrawardī (ca. 490/1097-563/1168), the book is characterized by a realistic approach to social necessities and to the moral capability of human nature. The Ṣūfī's sphere of activity, according to Abū al-Najīb, is within society. To accommodate the needs of lay members of the Ṣūfī brotherhood, the author makes prominent use of the traditional concept of rukhṣa, the relaxation of strict rules .

Kitāb ādāb al-murīdīn is a book steeped in the Ṣūfī literary tradition and contains elements found in earlier Ṣūfī classics. However, all the variegated elements have been recast by the author in his own mold. Its language is clear and simple, in accordance with its purpose as a popular manual. The large number of extant manuscripts and their varied provenance may indicate the great popularity which the book enjoyed.


Ariel Shisha-Halevy. 1978. A North-West Semitic Text In The Egyptian Hieratic Script. Orientalia, 47, Pp. 145–162.
A Ben-Shaul ו KOMPA, KL . 1978. Note On Quasiequilibrium Vibrational Distributions Of Polyatomic-Molecules. Chemical Physics Letters, 55, Pp. 560-564. doi:10.1016/0009-2614(78)84038-X.
Moshe Pollak. 1978. Optimality And Almost Optimality Of Mixture Stopping Rules. The Annals Of Statistics, 6.
H. J. Polotsky. 1978. A Point Of Arabic Syntax: The Indirect Attribute. Israel Oriental Studies, 8, Pp. 159-174.

The large and varied collection of ancient lamps bequeathed by Mrs. Miriam Schaar-Schloessinger of New York to the Institute of Archaeology of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem is classified and published in this volume. The 683 lamps (some of glass, bronze, and stone), 3 lamp molds and 11 lamp-fillers range in date from the Archaic Greek to the Islamic periods and in provenance from North Africa to India. The descriptions are accompanied by photographs and, in some cases, drawings. This volume is a useful reference work for students, archaeologists and aficionados of ancient lamps.

EPHRAIM STERN. 1978. Qedem 9.

Although Tel Mevorakh is very small in area, its strategic location at the junction of the broad Sharon plain, the narrow Carmel coast, and Nahal Tanninim (Crocodile River) probably explains why the accumulation of artificial debris reaches a height of 8 meters and includes more than 15 strata. Strata I-II, the Crusader-Muslim cemetery and Roman remains, were found in the immediate vicinity of the mound, while Strata III-VIII, on the mound itself, cover the Hellenistic period to the late 11th century BCE, with settlement gaps in the 9th-6th and 3rd centuries BCE. Special studies on Phoenician architectural elements and neutron activation analysis of some painted Iron Age pottery supplement the presentation of the remains and finds by strata. Plans, sections, line drawings, and photographs extensively illustrate the report. The Bronze Age remains from Tel Mevorakh are published in Qedem 18 (1984).

Ariel Shisha-Halevy. 1978. Quelques Thématisations Marginales Du Verbe En Néo-Égyptien. Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica, 9, Pp. 51–67.
Betty Rojtman. 1978. Review: Samuel Beckett, The Art Of Rhetoric. Revue D’histoire Littéraire De La France, 5, Pp. 863-864.
Ariel Shisha-Halevy. 1978. A Shenoutean Pun And The Preservation Of A Precoptic Lexemic Distinction. Journal Of Egyptian Archaeology, 64, Pp. 141.
Nissan Spector, Zigler, A , ו Zmora, H . 1978. Spectra Of Highly Ionized Cr, Fe, Co, And Ni Emitted From Laser Produced Plasma (A). Journal Of The Optical Society Of America (1917-1983), 68, Pp. 1389.
Samuel Siegel, Outlaw Jr., James , ו Garti, Nissim.. 1978. The Structure Of Reactive Sites On Platinum Metal Catalysts For The Hydrogenation Of Unsaturated Hydrocarbons.. Journal Of Catalysis, 52, 1, Pp. 102–115. doi:10.1016/0021-9517(78)90127-6.
The reactive sites on platinum metal catalysts for the hydrogenation of unsatd. hydrocarbons and related reactions were the most coordinatively unsatd. exposed metal atoms. The surface atoms were divided into 3 groups with one, two, or three units of coordinative unsatn. (corresponding to the no. of monodentate ligands which may become attached) and were symbolized by 1M, 2M, and 3M, then, when exposed to H the 1st structures formed were 2MmH2 and 3MH2, which were transformed, in part, to 2MH and 3MH by diffusion of H from the edge to other surface sites or to the interior of the crystallite. The proportions of 3M and 3MH present during a reaction were a function of the metal and the conditions of prepn. and use. These structures bore a formal relation to the structure of the complexes ClRh(PPh3)2 (I) and HRhCO(PPh3)2 (II) which are formed through the dissocn. of ClRh(PPh3)3 and HRh(CO)(PPh3)3, resp. The catalytic functions of both I and II involved the same kinds of elementary processes, but the presence of the hydrido group in II led to recognizably different phenomena (kinetics, stereochem., exchange reactions). Accordingly, the characteristics of hydrogenations catalyzed by platinum metals may be rationalized by considering the elementary processes which may occur at each category of site. [on SciFinder(R)]
Betty Rojtman. 1978. Une Structure De Récurrence : ’La Dernière Bande’ De Samuel Beckett. The Hebrew University Studies In Literature, 6, 2, Pp. 294-320.
E. Keren, Gerber, R. B. , ו Ben-Shaul, A. 1977. Computer-Simulation Of Pulsed Cl+Hbr Chemical-Laser - Effects Of Rotational Nonequilibrium. Chemical Physics, 21, Pp. 1-19.
A Ben-Shaul. 1977. Statistical-Models And Prior Distributions In Theory Of Chemical-Reactions. Chemical Physics, 22, Pp. 341-366.
RD Levine ו Ben-Shaul, A. 1977. Thermodynamics Of Molecular Disequilibrium. בתוך Chemical And Biochemical Applications Of Lasers, Pp. 145-192. New York: Academic Press.
J. Ehrlich, Sela, Michael N, Lahav, Meir , ו Ginsburg, Isaac . 1977. The Bacteriolytic Effect Of Human Dentoalveolar Purulent Exudates And Leukocyte Extracts. Refuat Hapeh Vehashinayim, 26, Pp. 39-44.
Ariel Shisha-Halevy. 1977. Bohairic Ⲧⲱⲟⲩⲛ: A Case Of Lexemic Grammaticalization. Enchoria, 7, Pp. 109–113.