
U. Nudel, Katcoff, D. , Zakut, R. , Shani, M. , Carmon, Y. , Finer, M. , Czosnek, H. , Ginsburg, Isaac , ו Yaffe, D.. 1982. Isolation And Characterization Of Rat Skeletal Muscle And Cytoplasmic Actin Genes. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America, 79, Pp. 2763-2767. תקציר
Southern blots of rat genomic DNA indicate the existence of at least 12 EcoRI DNA fragments containing actin gene sequences. By using specific probes and stringent conditions of hybridization, it was found that only one of these fragments contains sequences of the skeletal muscle alpha-actin gene. Recombinant bacteriophages originating from eight different actin genes were isolated from rat genomic DNA libraries. One of them, Act 15, contains the skeletal muscle actin gene. Another clone, Act I, contains a gene coding for a cytoplasmic actin, identified tentatively as the beta-actin gene. Both genes have a large intron very close to the 5’ end of their transcribed region, followed by several small introns. DNA sequence analysis and comparison with the available data on actin genes in other organisms indicated an interesting relationship between the positions of introns and the evolutionary relatedness. Several intron sites are conserved from at least the echinoderms to the vertebrates; others appear to be present in some actin genes and not in others.
R AZOURY, Garti, N, PERLBERG, S, ו SARIG, S. 1982. May Enzyme Activity In Urine Play A Role In Kidney Stone Formation?. Urological Research, 10, 4, Pp. 185–189.
It has been found that calcium oxalate stone formers have low UGOT and UGPT activity compared to healthy individuals. The urine of 23 stone formers and 19 controls has been tested for combined UGOT and UGPT activity. The effect of L-aspartic acid, alanine and L-glutamic acid on calcium oxalate precipitation has been tested. Only L-glutamic acid exerted a significant retardation effect at physiological concentrations. As GPT and GOT convert alanine and aspartic acid respectively into glutamic acid, a possible mechanism of retardation of kidney stone formation involving enzyme steps via glutamic acid creation in situ is suggested.[on SciFinder (R)]
S SARIG, Garti, N, AZOURY, R, WAX, Y, ו PERLBERG, S. 1982. A Method For Discrimination Between Calcium Oxalate Kidney Stone Formers And Normals. The Journal Of Urology, 128, 3, Pp. 645–649.
Calcium ion concentration versus time was measured in solutions containing admixture of 10 per cent tested urine of normals and stone-formers, during induced calcium oxalate precipitation. A Discriminating Index was formulated by statistical analysis of the data. It was found that stone-formers and normals differ significantly with respect to the measurements and the Discriminating Indices. An equation to evaluate the odds of stone-forming based on results of an individual test has been derived. The Discrimination Index may be recommended as a diagnostic tool.[on SciFinder (R)]
P ALPERT, COHEN, A, NEUMANN, J, ו Doron, E. 1982. A Model Simulation Of The Summer Circulation From The Eastern Mediterranean Past Lake Kinneret In The Jordan Valley. Monthly Weather Review, 110, 8, Pp. 994–1006. doi:10.1175/1520-0493(1982)110<0994:AMSOTS>2.0.CO;2.
Michael N Sela, Ginsburg, Isaac , Dishon, T. , Duchan, Zvia , ו Garfunkel, AA . 1982. Modulation Of Human Lymphocyte Transformation By Bacterial Products And Leukocyte Lysates. Inflammation, 6, Pp. 31-38. תקציר
Blast transformation of human peripheral blood lymphocytes by PHA is shown to be modulated by lipoteichoic acid (LTA) of Streptococcus mutans, by a cell-sensitizing factor of Actinomyces viscosus, as well as by a frozen and thawed extract of human leukocytes (LE). While small amounts of LE (5-50 micrograms/10(6) cells) significantly enhanced PHA-induced transformation, higher amounts showed a lesser effect on the blastogenic response. Both LTA and the A. viscosus extract did not cause any lymphocyte blastogenic effect when used alone. On the other hand LTA had an inhibitory effect and the A. viscosus extract had an enhancing effect when lymphocytes were pretreated by these agents and then exposed to PHA.
W.M. Gelbart ו Benshaul, A.. 1982. Molecular Theory Of Curvature Elasticity In Nematic Liquids. Journal Of Chemical Physics, 77, Pp. 916-933. doi:10.1063/1.443867.
S Jackel, Laluz, R , Arad, B , Eliezer, S , Gazit, Y , Paiss, Y , Szichman, H , ו Zigler, A . 1982. Multistep Laser Pulse Generation Using Passive Electrical Networks In The Driver Of A Cavity-Dumped Q-Switched Oscillator. Journal Of Physics E: Scientific Instruments, 15, Pp. 670.
D. Gale ו Neyman, Abraham . 1982. Nim-Type Games. International Journal Of Game Theory, 11, Pp. 17-20.
N Garti, MAGDASSI, S, ו RUBINSTEIN, A. 1982. A Novel Method For Rapid Non Destructive Determination Of O/W Creams Stability. Drug Development And Industrial Pharmacy, 8, 4, Pp. 475–485. doi:10.3109/03639048209022115.
N. Garti, Magdassi, S. , ו Rubinstein, A.. 1982. A Novel Method For Rapid Non Destructive Determination Of O/W Creams Stability. Drug Development And Industrial Pharmacy, 8, 4, Pp. 475-485.
N Garti, MAGDASSI, S, ו RUBINSTEIN, A. 1982. A Novel Method For Rapid Nondestructive Determination Of O/W Creams Stability.. Drug Development And Industrial Pharmacy, 8, 4, Pp. 475–485. doi:10.3109/03639048209022115.
A nonconventional method for the evaluation of emulsion stability was developed. The method was valid for viscous emulsions. The technique is based on elec. cond. measurements during nondestructive short-cooling-heating cycles carried out on cosmetic viscous emulsions. Cond. curves were obtained on a recorder, where the second heating cycles were lower and almost parallel to the first heating curves. The bigger the cond. differences between the two heating curves, the lower was the emulsion stability. A relative Stability Index $Δ$/h, indicating relative change in cond. between 2 cycles was elaborated. This index was useful for detg. optimal required hydrophile-lipophile balance values for required emulsions, optimal amt. of oily phase and emulsifier concn. [on SciFinder(R)]
Fatty acid esters of glycerol or tetraglycerol are prepd. by the transesterification of Me esters of fatty acids (esp. Me stearate [112-61-8]) with glycerol or tetraglycerol at 95-150° in the presence of an alk. catalyst and an anionic or nonionic emulsifier. These esters are not highly substituted. Emulsion formation and the catalyst are required for high transesterification yields. The effects of temp., type and concn. of emulsifier, and reactant ratio on the transesterification were examd. [on SciFinder(R)]
VR KAUFMAN ו Garti, N. 1982. Organic-Reactions In Emulsions - Preparation Of Glycerol And Polyglycerol Esters Of Fatty-Acids By Trans-Esterification Reaction. Journal Of The American Oil Chemists Society, 59, 11, Pp. 471–474. doi:10.1007/BF02636145.
Nissim Garti ו Avni, Eitan.. 1982. The Oxidation Of Oleic Acid By Permanganate In Oil In Water Emulsion.. Colloids And Surfaces, 4, 1, Pp. 33–41. doi:10.1016/0166-6622(82)80087-5.
The oxidn. of oleic acid and the cleavage of the carbon-carbon bond was achieved using potassium permanganate added to oil in water emulsion. The best emulsifier for the oxidn. and cleavage of the double bond was polyoxyethylene lauryl ether (HLB 16.9) which formed the best emulsion with the smaller droplets. The oxidn. is controlled by parameters affecting emulsion stability. Increasing the concns. of emulsifier or oxidizing agent improves the oleic acid conversion and azelaic acid formation. Poor stirring, low HLB's, high oil phase content and poor emulsion prepn. decrease the yields. [on SciFinder(R)]
Isolated human peripheral blood neutrophils were exposed to sonic extracts of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans. Such bacterial preparations contain a potent leukotoxin which rapidly kills the leukocytes as reflected by cellular uptake of trypan blue, extracellular release of lactate dehydrogenase, or discharge of 51Cr from pre-labeled cells. Exogenous phospholipids with a glycerol skeleton esterified by fatty acids or positively charged liposomes inhibited cytotoxic phenomena. The data suggest that cell damage may involve the interaction of leukotoxin with phospholipids in the neutrophil cell membrane and that exogenous lipids either compete for or sterically block binding of the leukotoxin to these moieties in the membrane.
N Garti ו Aserin, A. 1982. Polyglycerol Esters Composition: Theoretical Random Distribution Versus Hplc Analysis.. Jaocs, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc., 59, 7, Pp. 317–319.
Product compn. of polyglycerol esters, prepd. from a direct alk. polymn. of glycerol followed by esterification with stearic or oleic acids, was studied. The internal product compn., as analyzed by high performance liq. chromatog. (HPLC), shows clearly that in contradiction to what has been published recently, the fatty acid radicals are not distributed at random among all available hydroxyl groups, and thus, any theor. calcn. on the product compn. could not be correct. The product compn. of the crude material indicates clearly that the internal positions (secondary hydroxyls) of the glycerol polymer are esterified with greater difficulty than the primary hydroxyl groups. [on SciFinder(R)]
S.A. Lamprecht, Krawiec, J. , Schwartz, B. , Krugliak, P. , Goldstein, J. , ו Odes, H.S.. 1982. Prostaglandin E1-Stimulable Cyclic Amp Formation From Rat Gastric Antral Organ Culture: Lack Of Effect On Gastrin Secretion. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 108, 1, Pp. 186-92. doi:10.1016/0006-291x(82)91849-6. Publisher's Version
RICHARD D. BARNETT. 1982. Qedem 14.

Here, for the first time, is a general survey of ancient ivory work, of value to both the general reader and the specialist. The finds discussed in this volume come from a wide extent of countries from Spain to India and range in date from the late Chalcolithic period up to the establishment of the Byzantine empire. Topics explored include the elephant and ivory working, ivory workers, workshops, guilds, trade, and prices. The text features photographs (including many rare ones) of nearly 300 ivory objects, as well as line drawings and maps.

SHULAMIT GEVA. 1982. Qedem 15.

The excavation of Prof. E.L. Sukenik at Tell Jerishe (in present-day Ramat Gan) was one of the pioneering archaeological undertakings during the days of the British Mandate; a final season took place in 1951. Since the excavator died before he could work on the stratigraphy and finds, the results of his labors did not receive the recognition due to them. During the 1951 season, Sukenik had concentrated on the fortifications, a combination of wall and glacis that was little known at the time. Three decades later, S. Geva accomplished the formidable task of publishing this important Middle Bronze II fortification complex. In order to clarify certain points, she conducted a short season at Tell Jerishe in 1976. Her stratigraphic and structural analysis is copiously illustrated with plans and sections from both the 1951 and 1976 excavations. A large collection of sherds from four strata is presented in order to establish the date of construction of the fortification complex.