
הרכש הצבאי של ישראל מארה"ב
מרדכי גזית. 1983. הרכש הצבאי של ישראל מארה&Quot;ב. פרסומים מכווני מדיניות, 8.
הרכש הצבאי של ישראל מארהב.pdf
עיונים בחינוך יהודי - כרך א

עיונים בחינוך יהודי - כרך א

. ירושלים: הוצאת ספרים ע"ש י"ל מגנס, האוניברסיטה העברית.
Al-Aḥādīth al-Ḥisān fī Faḍl al-Ṭaylasān
1983. Al-Aḥādīth Al-Ḥisān Fī Faḍl Al-Ṭaylasān, Pp. 34 + 126 + 31 pp. Jerusalem: The Max Schloessinger Memorial Foundation.

Al-aḥādīth al-ḥisān fī faḍl al-ṭaylasān ("The beautiful traditions about the merits of the ṭaylasān") is a book concerned with Muslim attire. The author draws his material from the prophetic traditions, from the books of law, from Qurʾānic exegesis and from books of history. However, the book has significance for other fields as well. It reflects the various trends of thought in the Mamlūk period and the struggle between the various schools of law. These struggles seem to have revolved around questions related to the administration of the religious endowments (waqf).

The present edition of the Arabic text is based on four manuscripts. The editor has provided an introduction (in French) in which he discusses the contents and the significance of the Aḥādīth.


N Garti, KAUFMAN, VR , ו Aserin, A. 1983. Analysis Of Nonionic Surfactants By High Performance Liquid Chromatography.. Separation And Purification Methods, 12, 1, Pp. 49–116. doi:10.1080/03602548308068397.
A review with 57 refs. [on SciFinder(R)]
N Garti, KAUFMAN, VR , ו Aserin, A. 1983. Analysis Of Non-Ionic Surfactants By High-Performance Liquid-Chromatography. Separation And Purification Methods, 12, 1, Pp. 49–116. doi:10.1080/03602548308068397.
N Garti, WELLNER, E, Aserin, A, ו SARIG, S. 1983. Analysis Of Sorbitan Fatty Acid Esters By Hplc.. Jaocs, J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc., 60, 6, Pp. 1151–1154.
Sorbitan esters of several fatty acids were analyzed by high-pressure liq. chromatog. (HPLC) using an Lichrosorb RP-18 column (25 cm × 4.6 mm). No derivatization was necessary. Mono-, di- and trisorbitan esters of palmitic, stearic, oleic, isostearic, and sesquioleic acid were sepd. using iso-PrOH-water (85:15, 80:20, or 92:8) as the elution mixt. [on SciFinder(R)]
Wolfgang Schenkel. 1983. Aus Der Arbeit An Einer Konkordanz Zu Den Altägyptischen Sargtexten: Teil 1: Zur Transkription Des Hieroglyphisch-Ägyptischen. Teil 2: Zur Pluralbildung Des Ägyptischen. Göttinger Orientforschungen, 4. Reihe: Ägypten 12. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. Teil 1 unter Mitarbeit von Rainer Hannig. (Appendix 3 includes a classifiers list).
Black Banners from the East: The Establishment of the ‘Abbāsid State - Incubation of a Revolt (Black Banners from the East, volume 1)

Black banners from the East tells the story of the first revolution in Islam which caused not merely the change of dynasties, but the end of the formative period of Islamic civilization. It is the story of a messianic movement striving and succeeding in establishing the throne of its Caliph-Messiah. The two volumes of Black banners from the East describe the two stages of the revolution from its early Shīʿī roots to the major military victories over the Umayyad army and the establishment of the ʿAbbāsī state. While the two volumes form a coherent study, each one of them is independent and can be read on its own.

Volume 1, The establishment of the ʿAbbāsid state---Incubation of a revolt, describes the clandestine activity of the movement that began after the collapse of al-Mukhtār's venture. It describes the methods, ideology, and system of activity which the members of the movement followed in order to prepare the hearts and minds and create the wide popular support for its goals. The mechanism of the incubation of this revolt is a fascinating story, describing in detail the development of a pure Shīʿī movement, the Hāshimiyya, into an ʿAbbāsī propaganda machine which prepared the revolt.


M FRENKEL, KRAUZ, Z, ו Garti, N. 1983. Brominated Surfactants As Emulsifiers And Weighting Agents. Part Iii. Weighting Properties.. Colloids And Surfaces, 8, 1, Pp. 45–54. doi:10.1016/0166-6622(83)80071-7.
Brominated Span 80, brominated Tween 80, brominated oleic acid, and brominated linoleic acid function as emulsifiers and weighting agents in castor oil-in-water emulsions and increase the sp. gr. of oil droplets. Stable emulsions are obtained at appropriate concns. of emulsifiers, and downward creaming (sedimentation) occurs when larger concns. of weighting agents-emulsifier are used. The efficiency of the weighting agent-emulsifier depends on the sp. gr., HLB value, and water soly. Brominated oleic and linoleic acids (in presence of triethanolamine) are the most efficient because they are hydrotropic and are adsorbed in the oil-water interface or dissolved in the oil. [on SciFinder(R)]
Introduction. Although a wealth of knowledge exists today on the biochemical pathways of biosynthesis, turnover and autolysis of bacterial cell wall components in vitro (1, 2), surprisingly very little is actually known about the mechanisms of biodegradation of microbial constituents in_vivo. One should differentiate between bactericidal and bacteriolytic processes induced by leukocytes since killed, but non-degraded, microbial cells may persist within macrophages to trigger chronic inflammation (3, 4). The present communication further supports our contention (5, 6) that the degradation of microbial cell wall components by leukocytes may be due to activation, by leukocytic cationic proteins, of autolytic wall enzymes rather than to the direct cleavage of the cells by lysosomal hydrolases. The modulation of bacteriolysis by anionic polyelectrolytes will be described and discussed in relation to the pathogenesis of chronic inflammation and afequelae.
P Mandelbaum, Klapisch, M , Bar-Shalom, A , Schwob, JL , ו Zigler, A . 1983. Classification Of Cu I Like 3P-4S And 3P-4D Transitions In X-Ray Spectra From Laser-Produced Plasmas Of Atoms From Tm To Re In The Range 4–8 Å. Physics Letters A, 99, Pp. 84–88.
P Mandelbaum, Klapisch, M , Bar-Shalom, A , Schwob, JL , ו Zigler, A . 1983. Classification Of X-Ray Spectra From Laser Produced Plasmas Of Atoms From Tm To Pt In The Range 6-9 Å. Physica Scripta, 27, Pp. 39.
M. Bialer ו Rubinstein, A.. 1983. A Comparative Study On The Pharmacokinetics Of Valpramide After Intravenous Administration In Dogs. Journal Of Pharmacy And Pharmacology, 35, 9, Pp. 607-609.
E. Kohlberg ו Neyman, Abraham . 1983. Convergence In Hilbert’s Metric And Convergence In Directions. Journal Of Mathematical Analysis And Applications, 93, Pp. 104-108.
Crises of German National Consciousness in the 19th and 20th Centuries
S. Perlberg R. Azouri F. Apfelbaum N. Garti, S. Sarig. 1983. Diagnosis Of Proneness To Develop Kidney Stones. United States of America 06/256,777 .
James F Outlaw Jr., Cozort, James Ray , Garti, Nissim , ו Siegel, Samuel.. 1983. Dienes As Possible Intermediates In The Catalytic Hydrogenation Of Aromatic Hydrocarbons. 1. Dienes Derived From 1,4-Di-Tert-Butylbenzene And A Rhodium Catalyst.. Journal Of Organic Chemistry, 48, 23, Pp. 4186–4190. doi:10.1021/jo00171a006.
Product evolution upon hydrogenating 3 diene derivs. of p-(Me3C)2C6H4 (I) is compared with the formation of 1,4-di-tert-butylcyclohexene (II) and cis- (III) and trans-1,4-di-tert-butylcyclohexane from I on a Rh/Al2O3 catalyst to det. which diene(s), upon adsorption on the catalyst, best represent(s) the structure of the intermediate formed in the rate-detg. surface reaction of I. Of the dienes 1,4-di-tert-butyl-1,4- (IV) and -1,3- (V) and 2,5-di-tert-butyl-1,3-cyclohexadiene (VI), VI exhibits best the properties expected if it forms the same absorbed intermediate as I at the same H pressure. Unlike I, however, the dienes do not yield the cis-satd. isomer III as an initial product at low H pressures. Instead cis-3,6-di-tert-butylcyclohexene (VII) is formed, along with II and I; the dienes tend to exclude the cycloalkenes from the catalyst, their effectiveness increasing in the order IV \textless V \textless VI. At low pressures, \textless5% of I is transformed directly to III; instead, II and VII are produced initially. Because the concn. of the intermediate adsorbed dienes remains low during I hydrogenation, the cis ene VIII is converted rapidly to III in the presence of I. [on SciFinder(R)]
JF OUTLAW, COZORT, JR , Garti, N, ו SIEGEL, S. 1983. Dienes As Possible Intermediates In The Catalytic-Hydrogenation Of Aromatic-Hydrocarbons .1. Dienes Derived From 1,4-Di-Tert-Butylbenzene And A Rhodium Catalyst. Journal Of Organic Chemistry, 48, 23, Pp. 4186–4190. doi:10.1021/jo00171a006.
H Cedar, Stein, R, Gruenbaum, Y, Naveh-Many, T, Sciaky-Gallili, N, ו Razin, A. 1983. Effect Of Dna Methylation On Gene Expression.. Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol, 47 Pt 2, Pp. 605-9.
S SARIG, Garti, N, AZOURY, R, PERLBERG, S, ו WAX, Y. 1983. Follow-Up Of Drug Therapy Efficacy To Prevent Recurrence Of Calcium Oxalate Kidney Stone Formation. The Journal Of Urology, 129, 6, Pp. 1258–1261.
Results of a prospective study of response to phosphate treatment after surgery in a group of kidney stone formers, some of them recurrent are presented. The follow-up, of 1 year duration, was carried out by periodic tests of the stone formers' urine using the Discriminating Index (DI) procedure. In a group of 32 stone formers, 30 individuals showed a remarkable change in the DI value; i.e., the inhibiting potential of their urine was similar to that of normals. Two of the patients did not respond well, and their drug treatment was adjusted accordingly. During this year no recurrency was reported.[on SciFinder (R)]