
D Avnir, Kagan, ML , Kosloff, R. , ו Peleg, S. 1984. Spatial Structures Formed By Chemical Reactions At Liquid Interfaces: Phenomenology, Model Simulations, And Pattern Analysis. בתוך Non-Equilibrium Dynamics In Chemical Systems, Pp. 118–121. Springer.
A. Benshaul, SZLEIFER, I, ו Gelbart, W.M.. 1984. Statistical Thermodynamics Of Amphiphile Chains In Micelles. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America-Physical Sciences, 81, Pp. 4601-4605. doi:10.1073/pnas.81.14.4601.
Studies in Jewish Education, Volume 2
R. Yarom, Sherman, Y. , More, R. , Ginsburg, Isaac , Borinski, R , ו Yagen, B.. 1984. T-2 Toxin Effect On Bacterial Infection And Leukocyte Functions. Toxicology And Applied Pharmacology, 75, Pp. 60-68. תקציר
The effects of T-2 toxin on bacterial infection and leukocyte function and structure were examined in vivo and in vitro. Rats were innoculated with staphylococci after pretreatment with or without T-2 toxin. The T-2 pretreated rats failed to mount a cellular response to the bacteria. Blood and bone marrow cells were markedly suppressed by the T-2 toxin, the myeloid series being the most affected. In vitro studies with human leukocytes showed that small, nonkilling doses of T-2 toxin inhibited chemotaxis, chemiluminescence stimulated by bacteria, and phagocytosis of bacteria. It was concluded that this inhibition may contribute towards sepsis and rapid onset of death in T-2 toxin poisoning.
A. T. Yinnon, Kosloff, R. , ו Gerber, R. B.. 1984. Time-Dependent Wavepacket Calculations Of Atom Scattering From Surfaces With Impurities. Chemical Physics, 87, Pp. 441–449.
W.E. McMullen, Gelbart, W.M. , ו Benshaul, A.. 1984. Translational And Rotational Contributions To The Size Of Micelles In Dilute Surfactant Solutions. Journal Of Physical Chemistry, 88, Pp. 6649-6654. doi:10.1021/j150670a029.
H. Bohm S. Kasan and N. Garti, S. Magdassi. 1984. W/O/Glycerol Multiple Emulsions For Slow Release Preparation. Israel.
המצפים בגליל: סקר וממצאים עיקריים, אביב 1982
עמירם אורן ו רייכמן, שלום. 1984. המצפים בגליל: סקר וממצאים עיקריים, אביב 1982.
המצפים בגליל
N Garti, KAUFMAN, VR , ו Aserin, A. 1983. Analysis Of Non-Ionic Surfactants By High-Performance Liquid-Chromatography. Separation And Purification Methods, 12, 1, Pp. 49-116. doi:10.1080/03602548308068397.
N Garti, WELLNER, E, Aserin, A, ו SARIG, S. 1983. Analysis Of Sorbitan Fatty-Acid Esters By Hplc. Journal Of The American Oil Chemists Society, 60, 6, Pp. 1151-1154. doi:10.1007/BF02671346.
M FRENKEL, KRAUZ, Z, ו Garti, N. 1983. Brominated Surfactants As Emulsifiers And Weighting Agents .3. Weighting Properties. Colloids And Surfaces, 8, 1, Pp. 45-54. doi:10.1016/0166-6622(83)80071-7.
JF OUTLAW, COZORT, JR , Garti, N, ו SIEGEL, S. 1983. Dienes As Possible Intermediates In The Catalytic-Hydrogenation Of Aromatic-Hydrocarbons .1. Dienes Derived From 1,4-Di-Tert-Butylbenzene And A Rhodium Catalyst. Journal Of Organic Chemistry, 48, 23, Pp. 4186-4190. doi:10.1021/jo00171a006.
S SARIG, Garti, N, AZOURY, R, PERLBERG, S, ו WAX, Y. 1983. Follow-Up Of Drug-Therapy Efficacy To Prevent Recurrence Of Calcium-Oxalate Kidney-Stone Formation. Journal Of Urology, 129, 6, Pp. 1258-1261. doi:10.1016/S0022-5347(17)52671-3.
R AZOURY, RANDOLPH, AD , DRACH, GW , PERLBERG, S, Garti, N, ו SARIG, S. 1983. Inhibition Of Calcium-Oxalate Crystallization By Glutamic-Acid - Different Effects At Low And High-Concentrations. Journal Of Crystal Growth, 64, 2, Pp. 389-392. doi:10.1016/0022-0248(83)90148-3.
M FRIEDMAN ו Garti, N. 1983. Maleyl Esters Of Monoglycerides Of Saturated Fatty-Acids. Journal Of The American Oil Chemists Society, 60, 6, Pp. 1134-1141. doi:10.1007/BF02671342.
M FRENKEL, SHWARTZ, R, ו Garti, N. 1983. Multiple Emulsions .1. Stability - Inversion, Apparent And Weighted Hlb. Journal Of Colloid And Interface Science, 94, 1, Pp. 174-178. doi:10.1016/0021-9797(83)90247-3.
N Garti, FRENKEL, M, ו SHWARTZ, R. 1983. Multiple Emulsions .2. Proposed Technique To Overcome Unpleasant Taste Of Drugs. Journal Of Dispersion Science And Technology, 4, 3, Pp. 237-252. doi:10.1080/01932698308943369.
A. Benshaul, RABIN, Y, ו Gelbart, W.M.. 1983. On The Stretching Of Alkyl Chains By Nematics. Journal Of Chemical Physics, 78, Pp. 4303-4308.
הוטיקאן וישראל
ד"ר מאיר מנדס. 1983. הוטיקאן וישראל. פרסומים מכווני מדיניות, 9.
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