Prof. Shahar Arzy

Shahar Arzy
Director of the Computational Neuropsychiatry Lab


I am the Director of the Neuropsychiatry Lab and the lead neurologist of the Neuropsychiatry Clinic at Hadassah Medical Center. I received my medical degree and master’s in cognitive science from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Prof Mordechai Rotenberg) and PhD from the Swiss Institute of Technology and the University of Geneva under Prof. Olaf Blanke. Following, I specialized in Neurology at Hadassah Medical Center (Prof. Tamir Ben-Hur) and in Cognitive Neurology in Geneva University Hospital (Prof. Theodor Landis). I also trained in memory research at Harvard University under the mentorship of Prof. Dan Schacter. I am profiting much from close collaborations and continuous discussions with exceptional researchers and friends worldwide.

My main interest is the human self and its relations to the surrounding world – the space in which we live, the river of time who carries our memories and future plans and imagination, and people around us, as well as more conceptual frameworks. To this aim I apply tools from cognitive psychology, functional neuroimaging, virtual-reality and computational neuroscience. Moreover, as an active clinician I am interested in the way in which these relations are disturbed in neuropsychiatry, and especially in Alzheimer’s disease. I learn much from insightful thoughts of notable authors in the domains of psychology and psychoanalysis, cognitive neuropsychiatry, mathematics and philosophy. In the lab I endeavor to establish a learning environment of “Beit-Midrash” (House of Learning) in which a group of dedicated researchers and clinicians are devoted to better understand the human self and its subjective experience in physiological and pathological states, and to develop new tools to help patients with neuropsychiatric disorders.


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