X-Ray Powder Diffractometer D8 Advance | Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

X-Ray Powder Diffractometer D8 Advance

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Manufacturer and model:

X-Ray Powder Diffractometer D8 Advance (Bruker AXS) 

General Information:

X-ray diffraction is a key characterization technique to obtain structural information on an atomic scale from both crystalline and non-crystalline (amorphous) materials. The X-ray diffraction is nondestructive and can be successfully applied to determine crystal structures of metals and alloys, minerals, inorganic compounds, polymers and organic materials as well as to derive such information as crystallite size, lattice strain, surface and interface roughness, chemical composition, and crystal orientation. 
Our new X-ray diffractometer D8 Advance is configured to cover the most powder diffraction applications, including phase identification, quantitative phase analysis, micro-structure and crystal structure analysis, X-ray reflectometry, and micro-diffraction. 

Key Features:

Our new XRD D8 Advance includes: 

  • 2.2 kW CuKα X-Ray source mounted into the TWIST-TUBE assembly providing easy switch between line and point focus applications; 
  •   The primary TRIO optic allows software push-button, motorized switch between three different primary beam paths: 1) a motorized slit, 2) a Göbel mirror, and 3) a Göbel mirror with 2-bounce monochromator.
  • The Rotation sample stage with computer-controlled stepper motor (it is typically used to improve particle statistics), the Compact motorized sample stage (allows to move the sample 25 mm in X, 70 mm in Y, and 52 mm in Z direction), the Compact Eulerian sample stage (integrates Chi- and Phi- rotations and Z translations, the rotations as well as the translation are motorized and can be used for positioning as well as scanning).T
  • he secondary TWIN optic allows software push-button, motorized switch between Bragg-Brentano and parallel beam geometries and consists of a motorized slit and a 0.2° Soller collimator.
  • The LYNXEYE XE-T is an energy dispersive compound silicon strip detector with a superior energy resolution of <380 eV, operating at room temperature and providing collection speed 450 times faster than that of a conventional point detector. 


Start of Operation Date:

October 2020