
Ron Kenett and Pollak, Moshe . 1983. On Sequential Detection Of A Shift In The Probability Of A Rare Event. Journal Of The American Statistical Association, 78, Pp. 389–395.
Moshe Pollak and Cohen, Jiska . 1981. A Comparison Of The Independent-Samples T-Test And The Paired-Samples T-Test When The Observations Are Nonnegatively Correlated Pairs. Journal Of Statistical Planning And Inference, 5, Pp. 133–146.
Moshe Pollak. 1979. A Class Of Robust Estimators. Communications In Statistics - Theory And Methods, 8, Pp. 509–531.
Moshe Pollar. 1978. The Expected Number Of Visits Of A Sequence Of Normal Partial Sums To Each Side Of A Boundary. Journal Of Applied Probability, 15, Pp. 192–198.
Moshe Pollak. 1978. Optimality And Almost Optimality Of Mixture Stopping Rules. The Annals Of Statistics, 6.
M Pollak and Siegmund, D . 1975. Approximations To The Expected Sample Size Of Certain Sequential Tests. The Annals Of Statistics, 3.
Moshe Pollak. 1973. On Equal Distributions. The Annals Of Statistics, 1.
Moshe Pollak. 1972. A Note On Infinitely Divisible Random Vectors. The Annals Of Mathematical Statistics, 43, Pp. 673–675.