Broadband cavity-enhanced Kerr Comb spectroscopy on Chip


Andrei Diakonov, Khrizman, Konstantin , Zano, Eliran , and Stern, Liron . 2024. “Broadband Cavity-Enhanced Kerr Comb Spectroscopy On Chip”. Npj Nanophotonics 2024 1:1, 1, Pp. 1-9. doi:10.1038/s44310-024-00047-0.


The broad and equidistant spectrum of frequency combs has had a profound impact on spectroscopic studies. Particularly, experiments involving the coupling of frequency combs to cavities have already enabled unprecedented broadband and sensitive spectroscopy on a single-molecule level. The emergence of integrated, compact, and broadband Kerr-microcombs holds promise to bring many metrological and spectroscopic studies outside of the lab. However, performing cavity-enhanced direct frequency comb spectroscopy on-chip has remained a challenge. Here, we couple a microcomb source with a microcavity to extend the advantages of cavity-enhanced spectroscopy to photonically integrated circuits. By harnessing the coherent nature of the Kerr-comb and high-Q microcavity enhancement, we obtain a detailed dispersion landscape of the guided-wave mode and comprehensive frequency-dependent cavity lineshapes. Our microcomb-cavity coupling can facilitate photonically integrated cavity-enhanced biochemical spectroscopy by evanescently coupling analytes to the cavity’s guided mode, a mode of operation we analyze numerically and provide guidelines for its potential implementation. Demonstrated detailed dispersion measurements, overperforming state-of-the-art table-top tunable lasers in available bandwidth, show potential for integrated non-linear optics applications, as precise dispersion management is crucial for such processes. Our chip-scale comb-cavity coupled platform suggests an integrated, broadband, cost-effective, and accurate tool for the non-linear optics studies as well as for ultra-compact bio- and chemical-sensing platform.