I am a senior lecturer (assistant professor) at the School of Computer Science & Engineering at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

My research focuses on the foundations of data management. I am interested in studying real-life problems through the lens of well-defined and elegant mathematical formulations.  I am currently working on various aspects of graph query languages, formal semantics of query languages, and novel approaches for handling incomplete information. 

I completed my Ph.D. in August 2019 under the supervision of Prof. Benny Kimelfeld at the Computer Science DepartmentTechnion. My Ph.D. dissertation deals with the complexity and expressiveness of queries for information extraction -- relational queries on data that is extracted from text.  After my Ph.D., I was a postdoc at Edinburgh University,  IRIF (Paris Diderot University), and École Normale Supérieure Paris, and then I was a CNRS researcher (chargée de recherche) at LIGMParis-Est University.

My complete and updated publication list can be found in my dblp entry and in google scholar.


My photo was taken by Jean-Charles Caslot.