Maja Ščrbačić

Since 2013, she is a PhD candidate at Leipzig University, Germany.

In 2015 she joined the ERC Research Project "JudgingHistories. Experience, Judgement and Representation of World War II in an Age of Globalization" at the Hebrew University Jerusalem as a Visiting Research Fellow. She studied Islamic Studies, Comparative Religion, Psychology and Philosophy at the universities of Frankfurt am Main, Damascus and Leipzig and completed her M. A. degree in 2012. Subject of the Master’s thesis: »Ein jüdischer Orientalist auf Wanderschaft. Paul Kraus zwischen Berlin, Paris und Kairo«. In 2005/06 she spent a year at the University of Damascus with a scholarship from the DAAD. In 2008/09 research stay at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. From 2009 until 2015 she was working at the Simon Dubnow Institute for Jewish History and Culture at the University of Leipzig, initially as a Student and Academic Assistant, since July 2013 as a Research Associate and Doctoral Candidate.

Research Project

The Orientalist Paul Kraus. Biography and scholarship, 1904–1944

Research Interests

  • Jewish traditions in the European Oriental and Islamic Studies
  • History of science and universities (nineteenth and twentieth century)


Eugen Mittwoch gegen das Land Preußen. Die Entlassungsmaßnahmen in der Berliner Orientalistik, 1933–1938, in: Arndt Engelhardt et al. (eds.), Ein Paradigma der Moderne. Jüdische Geschichte in Schlüsselbegriffen, Göttingen/Bristol, CT 2016, pp. 39–55.

Von der Islamwissenschaft und zurück – Paul Kraus (1904 – 1944), in: Jahrbuch des Simon-Dubnow-Instituts/Simon Dubnow Institute Yearbook 12 (2013), pp. 389–416.

Review: Aleksandra Pawliczek, Akademischer Alltag zwischen Ausgrenzung und Erfolg. Jüdische Dozenten an der Berliner Universität 1871–1933, Stuttgart: Steiner 2011, in: Bulletin des Simon-Dubnow-Instituts XV (2013), Leipzig 2015, pp. 24–28.

Art. “al-Thaqāfah”, in: Enzyklopädie Jüdischer Geschichte und Kultur/Encyclopedia of Jewish Cultures, ed. by order of the Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig and Dan Diner, Vol. 6, Stuttgart/Weimar 2015, pp. 79–82.