
Glocal Magazine 2019 Event Launch

Glocal Magazine 2019 Event Launch

5 מאי, 2019

Every year Glocal produces a magazine centered around a chosen theme, that is relevant to the field of International Development.

Magazine Launch Events

Over the last years, we have organized an open magazine launch events for celebrating the publication of our annual magazine. This event offers us the ability to present the topic to our network providing a great opportunity to learn from the field.

Shared Society Guidebook

Shared Society Guidebook

10 יולי, 2019

Dr. Nancy Strichman, one of Glocal's core lecturers, has recently published, together with Dror Eitan and Fathi Marshood, the Guidebook for Shared Society. 

Glocal Articles

As an academic program, Glocal students and staff conduct their research and participate in joint research activities. Glocal's philosophy is to maintain a regular exchange between the world of field development implementation and academic studies. 

Glocal Magazine

The Glocal program publishes an annual magazine that focuses on key themes from the field. The magazine is written by Glocal students and alumni, exploring issues and themes they have encountered in the field or through their studies.

Research Links

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