
Relevant contact details at the Hebrew University

24/7 emergency hot line: +972-(0)548820217

  1. Office of Student Lifemadrichimlife@savion.huji.ac.il
  2. Academic issues: (such as absence from classes or exams) please contact your department office.
  3. Dormitory coordinators in Jerusalem and reisfeld.residence@mail.huji.ac.il in Rehovot.

Entry to Israel issues:

  • For the following graduate programs:
    Bible and the Ancient Near East, Jewish Studies, Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, Israel Studies, Nonprofit Management and Leadership, Archaeology of the Land of the Bible, Smart Cities and Urban Informatics, International StartUp 360° MBA, Human Rights & International Law, Human Rights & Transitional Justice –
    Contact Amy Seroussi, Graduate Admissions Coordinator at Rothberg International  School  gradmiss@savion.huji.ac.il 
  • For visiting research fellow programs and independent research fellow programs:
    Contact Amy Seroussi, Graduate Admissions Coordinator at Rothberg International  School  gradmiss@savion.huji.ac.il 
  • For all programs at the Faculty of Agriculture:
    Contact Mahyan Gon, Faculty of Agriculture mahyang@savion.huji.ac.il
  • For Rothberg International School students:
  • General Assistance at International Office:  intloffice@savion.huji.ac.il
  • General Visa Assistance at International Office : Mr. Yehuda Hersh - Intvisas@savion.huji.ac.il 
  • Incoming student exchange students: Ayala Feinmesser-Mizrahi , Erasmus+ and Agreements Coordinator at the International Office – ayalafm@savion.huji.ac.il
  • Outgoing student exchange students: Liat Gabai at liatg@savion.huji.ac.il for outgoing students to Europe or to the rest of the world at  outgoing@savio.huji.ac.il
  • HUJI Innovation activities for international students: Yotamz@innovate.huji.ac.il and Keshet@innovate.huji.ac.il
  • General questions related to the coronavirus – Please contact Gil Chaim Amit, Senior Assistant to the Vice President and CEO: Gilha@savion.huji.ac.il
  • International Info Center for prospective students: contactus@mail.huji.ac.il Tel: +972-2-5882222

Covid-19 guidelines in Israel


Frequently asked questions about COVID-19 answered on the Ministry of Health website may be found here



Is the university complying with all Ministry of Health?


The university is strictly following all directives issued by the Ministry of Health and is in daily contact with officials at the Ministry of Health in order to receive instructions.


How safe will I be on campus and in Jerusalem in light of Covid-19?

The Hebrew University top priority remains to keep our students and staff safe and healthy. From the very start of Covid-19, Israel has acted swiftly and decisively, taking strict measures in order to contain the spread of the virus within its borders. Due to the vaccine that became available in Israel at an early stage, Israel has been a step ahead in returning to normal routine.   Throughout this period, communication has been clear, transparent, and easily accessible.

Since the majority of the university’s population is vaccinated, and entrance onto campus is conditioned to presenting a green pass or an up-to-date negative COVID- 19 test result and we are keeping the guidelines of facemasks and social distancing, we are able to turn the campuses into a safe and healthy environment.

The Hebrew University is committed to complying with the Ministry of Health’s regulations. The campus community is wholly dedicated to the collective health and wellbeing of all of its members, you included! We are confident that you will be safe under our university Covid-19 safety measures. 


What support can I expect to receive at the Hebrew University?


In case you had to cancel your flight that was for academic purposes, please contact the travel office, airline, and hotel to ask for a refund. If the vendor does not approve the request, we recommend that you consult the university’s legal office by e-mail: Legaladv@savion.huji.ac.il.


I had to cancel my flight - What should I do to get a refund?

I had to cancel a flight that was for academic purposes. I paid for the flight with my own money. What should I do to get a refund?

You should contact the travel office, airline or hotel and ask for a refund. If the vendor does not approve a refund, we recommend that you consult the university’s legal office by e-mail: Legaladv@savion.huji.ac.il.

Will I receive a refund if I cancel my participation?


You will receive a full refund of your housing reservation and health insurance (if you have purchased a health insurance policy through HUJI). Please contact with your faculty for further details.


I have to go into isolation. Whom should I notify?


Besides notifying the Ministry of Health in this form, faculty and students who are in isolation must inform the university here


I live in a dorm, a roommate was required to stay in isolation.


Provided that isolation is well maintained inside the household, the Ministry of Health guidelines do not require all flat mates to adopt full isolation measures.


Will my classes take place on campus or online?  


In 2021-2022 academic year, teaching will take place mostly in classrooms on campus. Entry to campus, attendance in classrooms, teaching labs and practical or clinical training will be limited to those with a green pass only. Entry to the campus will also be allowed to those who do not have a green pass, by presenting an up-to-date negative result on a COVID-19 test.

All on- campus activities will scrupulously comply to the Ministry of Health guidelines, including wearing face masks.