Culture & Events


After-Class Activities

Student life is not only studying. Hebrew University promotes communal activities and organizes cultural events, performances, lectures, special evenings, festivals and conferences for students and faculty members. Most of the activities are also open to the general public in partnership with the community.

Classical Experience – Classical Music for the General Public 

Hebrew University’s philharmonic orchestra, part of the Musicology Department at the Faculty of Humanities, performs several concerts throughout the year. Every Monday at noon during the semester, a concert is held at the Mount Scopus campus, open to all free-of-charge. The university also hosts a choir which holds public performances.

Age of Wisdom – Lectures About Aging

A series of lectures on aging, titled 'The Age of Wisdom – The New Third Age', by faculty members of the Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare, takes place at the Jerusalem Cinematheque. 

Scientists' Night – A Taste of Science

Scientists' Night is an event where the general public is invited to Hebrew University to get a taste of science. Every year in September, the general public can listen to a variety of lectures, take part in workshops, watch science shows, and learn about the innovative research being carried out in the various university departments. The event takes place with the support of the European Union and the Ministry of Science and attracts approximately 3,000 visitors every year.

Science Week

During Science Week, which takes place in March, Hebrew University offers the general public science lectures, workshops and shows, as well as laboratory tours for school children. In recent years, the university dedicated this event to the science and research taking place at the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, for the benefit of the local community.

The Sky is the Limit – Space Week

During Space Week, which takes place in January, the university holds a public event that includes lectures, workshops and scientific activities on astrophysics and astronomy. The event is held in conjunction with the Ministry of Science & Technology and the Israel Space Agency.

Science Fiction Conference

Every year during Hannukah, a science and science fiction conference takes place at the Edmond J. Safra campus. The event is organized by the Hebrew University Youth Division in collaboration with the Israeli Society for Science Fiction. 

Science Activities for the Community

Faculty of Science researchers give a series of lectures on popular science to the general public, free of charge, at Jerusalem’s Old Train Station complex. In addition, they occasionally hold star-gazing events on Ben-Yehuda Street in Jerusalem and share their research with the general public via short online videos.

National Natural History Collections

The National Natural History Collections at the Edmond J. Safra campus contains the national herbarium and collections of invertebrates, mollusks, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, archaeology, and paleo-biology. The Collections’ faculty and students run the following activities, voluntarily:

  • Free Public Activities – First Thursday of every month, in the afternoon. Includes becoming familiar with curatorial work in nature collections, getting to know researchers' work, and exhibitions.
  • Annual Public Symposium – Presents new research based on the nature collections.
  • Open Day in August – More than 100 activities and demonstrations held for the general public.
  • Advisory & Assistance Services:
    • Advising and assisting Government bodies with nature conservation in Israel, training government field staff, identifying plant and terrestrial invertebrate species in cases of smuggling or investigations, decryption of hunting and trafficking cases, and preparation of the endangered species list.
    • Providing scientific and conservation advice to museums when preparing exhibitions.
    • Assisting farmers, the Ministry of Agriculture, plant protection services, customs, airports and ports regarding harmful species for agriculture, invasive species, beneficial species, preventing animal cruelty, introducing new animals to local aquaculture.
    • Assisting the Ministry of Health, Israel Poison Information Center, and hospitals in cases snake-, scorpion- and spider-bites.
    • Guidance on biodiversity and nature conservation to schools, biology teachers and thesis supervisors, and assistance in conducting surveys for various localities in the country (bioblitz programs).
    • Assisting Academy of the Hebrew Language committees in providing Hebrew names to plants and animals.

Anthropological Film Festival

An annual film festival promoting anthropological documentaries is held at the Jerusalem Cinematheque, in partnership with Department of Sociology and Anthropology faculty members.

Art & Brain Week

This unique collaboration between the university's Edmond & Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences and the Jerusalem Cinematheque takes place as part of International Brain Awareness Week. The project aims to raise public awareness of the significance of brain research, to present the latest research findings and to strengthen the relationship between the community and the academics. Art & Brain Week includes a series of public events combining scientific lectures with films, shows, and exhibitions. This year, it included joint projects with other institutions that promote the connection between science and art, including the Israel Museum and Beit Avi Chai.

Beer & Brain 

Jerusalem’s community of brain researchers give short public lectures once every two months during the academic year. Three doctoral students speak each time in different Jerusalem bars, in evenings that attract many curious people from the local community.

Science Deep Dive

At the Interuniversity Institute for Marine Science in Eilat, which is led by the Hebrew University, faculty members and guest speakers give monthly lectures on natural and life sciences to the general public.

Sharing Biblical Research

Faculty members of the university’s Mandel Institute of Jewish Studies share their research in Project 929 which promotes Bible study for the general public. In addition, many of the institute's members give Bible classes in dozens of communities across Israel and share their knowledge with those who enjoy studying Bible all over the world.

Partnership & Joint Ownership of Public Institutions

Hebrew University is a joint owner of and provides significant funding for the National Library, which provides services to the general public and to the community of academics in all higher education institutions in Israel. The university owns half of the Science Museum in Jerusalem, where university students and faculty are involved in a variety of its activities. The university is also a founding member of the Israel Museum in Jerusalem.

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