Research support | The Library Authority

Research support

The libraries provide information and an array of services to support academic research and publication:


  Open Access and Hebrew U. Open Access Publishing Agreements

An open access article is an article that any one can access online fully and without payment.
There are two main ways to publish open access articles:

  • Gold Open Access: The authors bear the publication costs, and the publisher makes the article accessible immediately.
  • Green Open Access: The term can refer to the method in which the article is published in a journal and becomes accessible only after an "Embargo Period" of several months. The term can also refer to articles that are published by a university as open to the public, but without the process of a "Peer Review".

Different publishers and journals employ different methods of open access publishing.

Hebrew University Open Access Publishing Agreements

The Hebrew University works to create agreements and collaborations that will help its researchers publish in open access.

Link to the LibGuide Open Access Publishing >
Information on existing agreements, including persons of contact in libraries, and general information on open access publishing.


ORCID  ORCiD: Your Researcher ID

The ORCiD system generates a one-to-one identification for any researcher registered in it, creating a reliable link between publications, researchers, and academic institutions.

Link to the LibGuide ORCiD @ The Hebrew University >


Collecting Research Output

Using ORCiD is part of a comprehensive process of all Israeli universities to create a database that will hold information about the academic activities of researchers in Israeli universities. In the coming months Israeli universities intend to implement the PURE system, designed to harvest publications from various databases.


Research Metrics

Tools accepted in the world of research for analyzing citations, journals and other tools for measuring research output.


International University Rankings

There are several companies and organizations who rank higher education institutions. Each ranking uses several indicators including indicators based on publications.

Link to the LibGuide International University Rankings >


Creating a Publication File for an OpenScholar Website

Publications can be uploaded manually, one at a time, but can also be uploaded in batches using a BibTeX or a RIS file.

Link to the LibGuide Creating a Publication File for an OpenScholar Website >