{\rtf1\ansi\deff0\deftab360 {\fonttbl {\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial} {\f1\froman\fcharset0 Times New Roman} {\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 Verdana} {\f3\froman\fcharset2 Symbol} } {\colortbl; \red0\green0\blue0; } {\info {\author Biblio 7.x}{\operator }{\title Biblio RTF Export}} \f1\fs24 \paperw11907\paperh16839 \pgncont\pgndec\pgnstarts1\pgnrestart Elisheva Baumgarten. 2019. ?Ask The Midwives: A Hebrew Manual On Midwifery From Medieval Germany??. Social History Of Medicine, 32, 4, Pp. 712 - 733. https://academic.oup.com/shm/article/32/4/712/5510118.\par \par Elisheva Baumgarten. 2019. ?&Ldquo;Introduction: Jewish Daily Life In Medieval Europe,&Rdquo; Chidushim?. Chidushim, 21, Pp. 5 - 13. https://www.academia.edu/39627975/Elisheva_Baumgarten_Introduction_Jewish_Daily_Life_in_Medieval_Europe_Chiddushim_no._21_2019_5-13_Hebrew_.\par \par Elisheva Baumgarten. 2018. ?Appropriation And Differentiation: Jewish Identity In Medieval Ashkenaz?. Ajs Review, 42, 1, Pp. 39 - 63. https://www.cambridge.org/core/product/identifier/S0364009418000053/type/journal_article.\par \par Elisheva Baumgarten. 2018. ?Four Mothers In Three Stories From Medieval Northern France (Hebrew)?. Zmanim: A Historical Quarterly, 139, Pp. 70 - 77. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26900823?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents.\par \par Elisheva Baumgarten. 2018. ?&Ldquo;Towards A History Of Medieval Jewish Women&Rsquo;S Lives,&Rdquo; In Yosef Kaplan, Ed., A Conference In Honor Of Professor Avraham Grossman On The Occasion Of His Eightieth Birthday (Hebrew)?. The Israel Academy Of Sciences And Humanities, Pp. 95 - 113. https://www.academia.edu/37797664/Elisheva_Baumgarten_Towards_a_History_of_Medieval_Jewish_Women_s_Lives_in_Yosef_Kaplan_ed._A_Conference_in_Honor_of_Professor_Avraham_Grossman_on_the_Occasion_of_His_Eightieth_Birthday_Jerusalem_the_Israel_Academy_of_Scie.\par \par Elisheva Baumgarten. 2018. ?&Lsquo;Like Adam And Eve&Rsquo;: Biblical Models And Jewish Daily Life In Medieval Christian Europe?. Irish Theological Quarterly, 83, 1, Pp. 44 - 61. http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0021140017742802.\par \par Elisheva Baumgarten. 2016. ?Praying Separately Gender In Medieval Ashkenazi Synagogues (Thirteenth-Fourteenth Centuries)?. Clio. Women, Gender, History, 44, 2, Pp. 43 - 62. https://www.cairn-int.info/journal-clio-women-gender-history-2016-2-page-43.htm.\par \par Elisheva Baumgarten. 2016. ?Prier \'c0 Part ? Le Genre Dans Les Synagogues Ashk\'e9nazes M\'e9di\'e9vales (Xiiie-Xive Si\'e8cle)?. Clio, 44, Pp. 43 - 62. http://journals.openedition.org/clio/13213.\par \par Elisheva Baumgarten. 2015. ?Charitable Like Abigail: The History Of An Epitaph?. Jewish Quarterly Review, 105, 3, Pp. 312 - 339. https://muse.jhu.edu/article/589328/summary.\par \par Elisheva Baumgarten. 2015. ?Shared And Contested Time: Jews And The Christian Ritual Calendar In The Late Thirteenth Century?. Viator, 46, 2, Pp. 253 - 276. http://www.brepolsonline.net/doi/10.1484/J.VIATOR.5.105369.\par \par Elisheva Baumgarten. 2014. ?Daily Commodities And Religious Identity In The Medieval Jewish Communities Of Northern Europe?. Studies In Church History, 50, Pp. 97 - 121. https://www.cambridge.org/core/product/identifier/S0424208400001674/type/journal_article.\par \par Elisheva Baumgarten. 2014. ?The Intellectual History And Rabbinic Culture Of Medieval Ashkenaz?. Journal Of Jewish Studies, 65, 2, Pp. 442 - 445. https://www.jjs-online.net/archives/article/3204.\par \par Elisheva Baumgarten. 2013. ?Palaces Of Time: Jewish Calendar And Culture In Early Modern Europe By Elisheva Carlebach?. Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal Of Jewish Studies, 31, 4, Pp. 105 - 108. http://muse.jhu.edu/content/crossref/journals/shofar/v031/31.4.baumgarten.html.\par \par Elisheva Baumgarten. 2013. ?A Tale Of A Christian Matron And Sabbath Candles: Religious Difference, Material Culture And Gender In Thirteenth-Century Germany?. Jewish Studies Quarterly, 20, 1, Pp. 83. https://www.mohrsiebeck.com/10.1628/094457013X663714.\par \par Elisheva Baumgarten. 2012. ?Debra Kaplan. Beyond Expulsion: Jews, Christians, And Reformation Strasbourg.?. The American Historical Review, 117, 4, Pp. 1310 - 1311. https://academic.oup.com/ahr/article/117/4/1310/32308.\par \par Elisheva Baumgarten. 2012. ?Shared Stories And Religious Rhetoric: R. Judah The Pious, Peter The Chanter And A Drought?. Medieval Encounters, 18, 1, Pp. 36 - 54. https://brill.com/view/journals/me/18/1/article-p36_2.xml.\par \par Baumgarten and Fishman, . 2011. ?Introduction To Gender And Jewish Identity?. Nashim: A Journal Of Jewish Women?s Studies & Gender Issues, 22, Pp. 7 - 14. https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.2979/nashim.22.7.\par \par Elisheva Baumgarten. 2009. ?Gendering Disgust In Medieval Religious Polemic By Alexandra Cuffel?. Nashim A Journal Of Jewish Women?s Studies & Gender Issues, 17, Spring 5769, Pp. 205 - 209. https://muse.jhu.edu/article/265968/pdf.\par \par Elisheva Baumgarten. 2009. ?Jewish Conceptions Of Motherhood In Medieval Christian Europe: Dialogue And Difference?. Micrologus: Nature, Sciences And Medieval Societies, 17, Pp. 149 - 165. https://www.academia.edu/7525923/Elisheva_Baumgarten_Jewish_Conceptions_of_Motherhood_in_Medieval_Christian_Europe_Dialogue_and_Difference_Micrologus_17_2009_149-165.\par \par Elisheva Baumgarten. 2009. ?Marked And Unmarked Flesh: Jewish Identity, Gender, And Circumcision In Historical Perspective?. Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal Of Jewish Studies, 26, 2, Pp. 143 - 148. http://muse.jhu.edu/content/crossref/journals/shofar/v026/26.2.baumgarten.html.\par \par Elisheva Baumgarten. 2008. ?&Lsquo;A Separate People&Rsquo;? Some Directions For Comparative Research On Medieval Women?. Journal Of Medieval History, 34, 2, Pp. 212 - 228. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1016/j.jmedhist.2008.03.005.\par \par Elisheva Baumgarten. 2007. ?&Lsquo;&Lsquo;Remember That Glorious Girl&Rsquo;&Rsquo;: Jephthah&Rsquo;Sdaughter In Medieval Jewish Culture?. Jewish Quarterly Review, 97, 2, Pp. 180 - 209. https://www.jstor.org/stable/25470203?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents.\par \par ?????? ????????, ????????, ???, Baumgarten, Elisheva , and Kushelevsky, Rella . 2006. ?From 'The Mother And Her Sons' To 'The Mother Of The Sons' In Medieval Ashkenaz / ?? '??? ??????' ?'?? ?????' ?????? ???? ????????. Zion / ????, ??, ?, Pp. 273 - 300. http://www.jstor.org/stable/23567756.\par \par Elisheva Baumgarten. 2005. ?Marking The Flesh: Circumcision, Blood And Incribing Identity On The Body In Medieval Jewish Culture.?. Micrologus, 13, Pp. 313 - 330. https://www.academia.edu/7525896/Elisheva_Baumgarten_Marking_the_Flesh_Circumcision_Blood_and_Inscribing_Identity_on_the_Body_in_Medieval_Jewish_Culture_Micrologus_13_2005_313-330.\par \par Elisheva Baumgarten. 2003. ?Beautiful Death. Jewish Poetry And Martyrdom In Medieval France (Jews, Christians Andmuslims From The Ancient To The Modern World) By Susan L. Einbinder (Hebrew)?. Zion / ????, Pp. 375 - 381. https://www.jstor.org/stable/23565018?origin=JSTOR-pdf&seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents.\par \par Elisheva Baumgarten. 2002. ?The Jews Of Europe In The Middle Ages (Tenth To Fifteenth Centuries): Proceedings Of The International Symposium Held At Speyer, 20&Ndash;25 October, 2002 By Christoph Cluse?. Zion / ????, 2006, Pp. 506 - 512. https://www.jstor.org/stable/23568096?origin=JSTOR-pdf&seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents.\par \par Elisheva Baumgarten. 2002. ?A Separatepeople. Jewish Women In Palestine, Syria And Egypt In The Sixteenth Century By Ruth Lamdan; Yaffa Murciano?. Zmanim: A Historical Quarterly, 81. https://www.jstor.org/stable/23438485?origin=JSTOR-pdf&seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents.\par \par Elisheva Baumgarten. 2001. ?As Families Remember: Holocaust Memoirs And Their Transmission?. Studies In Contemporary Jewry, 16, Pp. 265 - 286. https://www.academia.edu/35981221/Elisheva_Baumgarten_As_Families_Remember_Holocaust_Memoirs_and_their_Transmission_Studies_in_Contemporary_Jewry_26_2001_265-286.\par \par Elisheva Baumgarten. 2000. ?'Thus Sayeth The Wise Midwives': Midwives And Midwifery In Thirteenth-Century Ashkenaz /'?? ?????? ??????? ??????': ??????? ???????? ?????? ???? ??&Quot;??. Zion / ????, 65, 1, Pp. 45 - 74. https://www.jstor.org/stable/23564092?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents.\par \par }