
My name is Eli Kraisler. I was born in 1983 in Uzhgorod, Ukraine (formerly, the USSR) and repatriated with my family to Israel in 1993. In 2000, after successfully finishing Ben Gurion high school in Petach Tikva, I started my B.Sc. studies in Tel Aviv University, which I finished in 2003. In 2010 I accomplished my M.Sc. studies, also in Tel Aviv University, supervised by Prof. Guy Makov and Prof. Itzhak Kelson. The subject of my thesis was Density Functional Calculations in Atomic Systems. From 2010 to 2015 I was a Ph.D. student at the Department of Materials and Interfaces, Faculty of Chemistry, Weizmann Institute of Science, in the group of Prof. Leeor Kronik. My Ph.D. work was on ​Novel Orbital-Dependent Exchange-Correlation Approximations in Density-Functional Theory. Between 2015 and 2018 I was a postdoc at the Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics in Halle, Germany, in the Theory group of Prof. E.K.U. Gross, working on investigating the properties of the exact Kohn-Sham potential in density-functional theory.

In October 2018 I established a research group at the Fritz Haber Center for Molecular Dynamics, Institute of Chemistry, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. The main research aim of the group is to investigate many-electron systems in excited states. Particularly, we are interested in creation and dynamics of exctions, in accurate prediction of excitation spectra of materials from first principles using cost-effective methods and in the behavior of materials at rather high temperatures. For more details see: Research.