
Grodek, T. ; Morin, E. ; Helman, D. ; Lensky, I. ; Dahan, O. ; Seely, M. ; Benito, G. ; Enzel, Y. . Journal of Hydrology 2020, 582. Publisher's Versionתקציר
Flood-fed aquifers along the sandy lower reach of the Kuiseb River sustain a 130-km-long green belt of lush oases across the hyperarid Namib desert. This oasis is a year-round source for water creating dense-tall woodland along the narrow corridor of the ephemeral river valley, which, in turn, supports human activity and fauna including during the long dry austral winters and multi-year droughts. Occasional floods, originating at the river’s wetter headwaters, travel \~280 km downstream, before recharging these aquifers. We analyzed the flood-aquifer-vegetation dynamics at-a-site and along the river, determining the relative impact of floods with diverse magnitude and frequency on downstream reaches. We find that flood discharge that feeds the alluvial aquifers also affects vegetation dynamics along the river. The downstream aquifers are fed only by the largest floods that allow the infrequent germination of plants; mean annual recharge volume is too low to support the aquifers level. These short-term vegetation cycles of green-up and then fast senescence in-between floods are easily detected by satellite-derived vegetation index. This index identifies historical floods and their magnitudes in arid and hyperarid regions; specifically, it determines occurrences of large floods in headwater-fed, ephemeral Namib streams as well as in other hyperarid regions. Our study reveals the importance of flood properties on the oasis life cycle, emphasizing the impact of drought and wet years on the Namib’s riparian vegetation.
Griffiths, M. ; Berda, Y. ; Joronen, M. ; Kilani, L. . Territory, Politics, Governance 2022, 1–19.
Green, R. J. ; Fred, U. P. ; Norbert, W. P. . Psych. Today 1900, 46, 345-678.
Goodwin, A. J. ; Miller-Jones, J. C. A. ; van Velzen, S. ; Bietenholz, M. ; Greenland, J. ; Cenko, B. ; Gezari, S. ; Horesh, A. ; Sivakoff, G. R. ; Yan, L. ; Yu, W. ; Zhang, X. . \mnras 2023, 518, 847-854.
Garfinkel, C. I. ; Adam, O. ; Morin, E. ; Enzel, Y. ; Elbaum, E. ; Bartov, M. ; Rostkier-Edelstein, D. ; Dayan, U. . Journal of Climate 2020, 33. Publisher's Versionתקציר
AbstractWhile CMIP5 models robustly project drying of the subtropics and more precipitation in the tropics and subpolar latitudes by the end of the century, the magnitude of these changes in precipitation varies widely across models: for example, some models simulate no drying in the eastern Mediterranean while others simulate more than a 50% reduction in precipitation relative to the model-simulated present-day value. Furthermore, the factors leading to changes in local subtropical precipitation remain unclear. The importance of zonal-mean changes in atmospheric structure for local precipitation changes is explored in 42 CMIP5 models. It is found that up to half of the local intermodel spread over the Mediterranean, northern Mexico, East Asia, southern Africa, southern Australia, and southern South America is related to the intermodel spread in large-scale processes such as the magnitude of globally averaged surface temperature increases, Hadley cell widening, polar amplification, stabilization of the tropical upper troposphere, or changes in the polar stratosphere. Globally averaged surface temperature increases account for intermodel spread in land subtropical drying in the Southern Hemisphere but are not important for land drying adjacent to the Mediterranean. The factors associated with drying over the eastern Mediterranean and western Mediterranean differ, with stabilization of the tropical upper troposphere being a crucial factor for the former only. Differences in precipitation between the western and eastern Mediterranean are also evident on interannual time scales. In contrast, the global factors examined here are unimportant over most of the United States, and more generally over the interior of continents. Much of the rest of the spread can be explained by variations in local relative humidity, a proxy also for zonally asymmetric circulation and thermodynamic changes.
Gabella, M. ; Morin, E. ; Notarpietro, R. ; Michaelides, S. . Atmospheric Research 2013, 119. Publisher's Versionתקציר
The spaceborne weather radar onboard the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite can be used to adjust Ground-based Radar (GR) echoes, as a function of the range from the GR site. The adjustment is based on the average linear radar reflectivity in circular rings around the GR site, for both the GR and attenuation-corrected NearSurfZ TRMM Precipitation Radar (TPR) images. In previous studies, it was found that in winter, for the lowest elevation of the Cyprus C-band radar, the GR/TPR equivalent rain rate ratio was decreasing, on average, of approximately 8 dB per decade. In this paper, the same analysis has been applied to another C-band radar in the southeastern Mediterranean area. For the lowest elevation of the “Shacham” radar in Israel, the GR/TPR equivalent rain rate ratio is found to decrease of approximately 6 dB per decade. The average departure at the “reference”, intermediate range is related to the calibration of the GR. The negative slope of the range dependence is considered to be mainly caused by an overshooting problem (increasing sampling volume of the GR with range combined with non-homogeneous beam filling and, on average, a decreasing vertical profile of radar reflectivity). To check this hypothesis, we have compared the same NearSurfZ TPR images versus GR data acquired using the second elevation. We expected these data to be affected more by overshooting, especially at distant ranges: the negative slope of the range dependence was in fact found to be more evident than in the case of the lowest GR elevation for both the Cypriot and Israeli radar.
Gabella, M. ; Morin, E. ; Notarpietro, R. . Journal of Geophysical Research 2011, 116. Publisher's Versionתקציר
While intense scientific efforts have focused on radar precipitation estimation in temperate climatic regimes, relatively few studies have examined dry climatic regions. This paper examines rain depth estimation for a 19 day rainfall period in Israel, where the gauge spatial distribution is particularly nonhomogeneous. This fact exacerbates the main drawback of rain gauge observations, which is undersampling. Meteorological ground- based radar (GR) can supplement the desired information on precipitation distribution. However, especially in a complex orographic region, radar scientists are faced with beam broadening with distance, nonhomogeneous beam filling, and partial-beam occultation, together with changes in the vertical reflectivity profile. This paper presents an improvement of GR precipitation estimates thanks to a range adjustment based on spaceborne meteorological radar. In the past, the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite radar was used for checking the GR mean field bias around the world. To our knowledge, however, it is the first time that GR-derived cumulative rainfall amounts show a better agreement with gauges, thanks to the mean field bias and range- dependent compensation derived using the well-calibrated Ku band TRMM radar as a reference. The average bias improves from +1.0 dB to -0.3 dB; more interesting and difficult to obtain is a reduction of the dispersion of the error. Using TRMM-based range compensation, the scatter decreases from 2.21 dB to 1.93 dB. We conclude that it is well worth trying to compensate for the GR range degradation.
Fulga, I. C. ; Haim, A. ; Akhmerov, A. R. ; Oreg, Y. . New J. Phys. 2013, 15, 045020. Publisher's Version
Fremling, C. ; Sollerman, J. ; Kasliwal, M. M. ; Kulkarni, S. R. ; Barbarino, C. ; Ergon, M. ; Karamehmetoglu, E. ; Taddia, F. ; Arcavi, I. ; Cenko, S. B. ; Clubb, K. ; De Cia, A. ; Duggan, G. ; Filippenko, A. V. ; Gal-Yam, A. ; Graham, M. L. ; Horesh, A. ; Hosseinzadeh, G. ; Howell, D. A. ; Kuesters, D. ; Lunnan, R. ; Matheson, T. ; Nugent, P. E. ; Perley, D. A. ; Quimby, R. M. ; Saunders, C. . \aap 2018, 618, A37.
Flaounas, E. ; Drobinski, P. ; Borga, M. ; Calvet, J. - C. ; Delrieu, G. ; Morin, E. ; Tartari, G. ; Toffolon, R. . Environmental Research Letters 2012, 7. Publisher's Versionתקציר
This letter assesses the quality of temperature and rainfall daily retrievals of the European Climate Assessment and Dataset (ECA&D) with respect to measurements collected locally in various parts of the Euro-Mediterranean region in the framework of the Hydrological Cycle in the Mediterranean Experiment (HyMeX), endorsed by the Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX) of the World Climate Research Program (WCRP). The ECA&D, among other gridded datasets, is very often used as a reference for model calibration and evaluation. This is for instance the case in the context of the WCRP Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) and its Mediterranean declination MED-CORDEX. This letter quantifies ECA&D dataset uncertainties associated with temperature and precipitation intra-seasonal variability, seasonal distribution and extremes. Our motivation is to help the interpretation of the results when validating or calibrating downscaling models by the ECA&D dataset in the context of regional climate research in the Euro-Mediterranean region.
Einstein, A. . Untitled; 2013.
Drobinski, P. ; Da Silva, N. ; Panthou, G. ; Bastin, S. ; Muller, C. ; Ahrens, B. ; Borga, M. ; Conte, D. ; Fosser, G. ; Giorgi, F. ; Güttler, I. ; Kotroni, V. ; Li, L. ; Morin, E. ; Önol, B. $\backslash$cs; Quintana-Segui, P. ; Romera, R. ; Torma, C. Z. . Climate Dynamics 2016. Publisher's Versionתקציר
In this study we investigate the scaling of precipitation extremes with temperature in the Mediterranean region by assessing against observations the present day and future regional climate simulations performed in the frame of the HyMeX and MED-CORDEX programs. Over the 1979–2008 period, despite differences in quantitative precipitation simulation across the various models, the change in precipitation extremes with respect to temperature is robust and consistent. The spatial variability of the temperature–precipitation extremes relationship displays a hook shape across the Mediterranean, with negative slope at high temperatures and a slope following Clausius–Clapeyron (CC)-scaling at low temperatures. The temperature at which the slope of the temperature–precipitation extreme relation sharply changes (or temperature break), ranges from about 20 \$\backslash$textdegree\C in the western Mediterranean to \textless10 \$\backslash$textdegree\C in Greece. In addition, this slope is always negative in the arid regions of the Mediterranean. The scaling of the simulated precipitation extremes is insensitive to ocean–atmosphere coupling, while it depends very weakly on the resolution at high temperatures for short precipitation accumulation times. In future climate scenario simulations covering the 2070–2100 period, the temperature break shifts to higher temperatures by a value which is on average the mean regional temperature change due to global warming. The slope of the simulated future temperature–precipitation extremes relationship is close to CC-scaling at temperatures below the temperature break, while at high temperatures, the negative slope is close, but somewhat flatter or steeper, than in the current climate depending on the model. Overall, models predict more intense precipitation extremes in the future. Adjusting the temperature–precipitation extremes relationship in the present climate using the CC law and the temperature shift in the future allows the recovery of the temperature–precipitation extremes relationship in the future climate. This implies negligible regional changes of relative humidity in the future despite the large warming and drying over the Mediterranean. This suggests that the Mediterranean Sea is the primary source of moisture which counteracts the drying and warming impacts on relative humidity in parts of the Mediterranean region.
Driessen, L. N. ; Stappers, B. W. ; Tremou, E. ; Fender, R. P. ; Woudt, P. A. ; Armstrong, R. ; Bloemen, S. ; Groot, P. ; Heywood, I. ; Horesh, A. ; van der Horst, A. J. ; Koerding, E. ; McBride, V. A. ; Miller-Jones, J. C. A. ; Mooley, K. P. ; Rowlinson, A. ; Wijers, R. A. M. J. . \mnras 2022, 512, 5037-5066.
Driessen, L. N. ; McDonald, I. ; Buckley, D. A. H. ; Caleb, M. ; Kotze, E. J. ; Potter, S. B. ; Rajwade, K. M. ; Rowlinson, A. ; Stappers, B. W. ; Tremou, E. ; Woudt, P. A. ; Fender, R. P. ; Armstrong, R. ; Groot, P. ; Heywood, I. ; Horesh, A. ; van der Horst, A. J. ; Koerding, E. ; McBride, V. A. ; Miller-Jones, J. C. A. ; Mooley, K. P. ; Wijers, R. A. M. J. . \mnras 2020, 491, 560-575.
Dong, D. Z. ; Hallinan, G. ; Nakar, E. ; Ho, A. Y. Q. ; Hughes, A. K. ; Hotokezaka, K. ; Myers, S. T. ; De, K. ; Mooley, K. P. ; Ravi, V. ; Horesh, A. ; Kasliwal, M. M. ; Kulkarni, S. R. . Science 2021, 373, 1125-1129.
Dente, E. ; Lensky, N. G. ; Morin, E. ; Enzel, Y. . Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 2021, 46.תקציר
Meandering channels and valleys are dominant landscape features on Earth. Their morphology and remnants potentially indicate past base-level fluctuations and changing regional slopes. The prevailing presence of meandering segments in low-slope areas somewhat confuses the physically based relationships between slope and channel meandering. This relationship underlies a fundamental debate: do incised sinuous channels actively develop during steepening of a regional slope, or do they inherit the planform of a preexisting sinuous channel through vertical incision? This question was previously explored through reconstructed evolution of meandering rivers, numerical simulations, and controlled, scaled-down laboratory experiments. Here, we study a rare, field-scale set of a dozen adjacent perennial channels, evolving in recent decades in a homogeneous erodible substrate in response to the Dead Sea level fall (> 30 m over 40 years). These channels are fed by perennial springs and have no drainage basin or previous fluvial history; they initiated straight and transformed into incising meandering channels following the emergence of the preexisting lake bathymetry, which resulted in increased channel lengths and regional slopes at different rates for each channel. This field setting allows testing the impact of changing regional slope on the sinuosity of a stream in the following cases: (a) relatively long and low-gradient shelf-like margins, (b) a sharp increase in the basinward gradient at the shelf-slope transition, and (c) gradually steepening slopes. Under a stable and low valley slope, the channels mainly incise vertically, inheriting a preexisting sinuous pattern. When the regional slope steepens, the channels start to meander, accompanying the vertical incision. The highest sinuosity evolved in the steepest channel, which also developed the deepest and widest valley. These results emphasize the amplifying impact of steepening regional slope on sinuosity. This holds when the flow is confined and chute cutoffs are scarce.
Dente, E. ; Lensky, N. G. ; Morin, E. ; Dunne, T. ; Enzel, Y. . Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 2018. Publisher's Versionתקציר
channel, increasing sinuosity. Upstream, near the migrating knickzone channel gradients also increase, incision is more moderate and floods continue to overtop the banks, favoring meander chute cutoffs. The resulting channel has a downstream well-confined meandering segment and an upstream low-sinuosity segment. These new insights regarding spatial differences along an incising channel can improve interpretations of the evolution of ancient planforms and floodplains that responded to base-level decline.
Dente, E. ; Lensky, N. G. ; Morin, E. ; Grodek, T. ; Sheffer, N. A. ; Enzel, Y. . Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 2017, 122. Publisher's Versionתקציר
The geomorphic response of channels to base-level fall is an important factor in landscape evolution. To better understand the complex interactions between the factors controlling channel evolution in an emerging continental shelf setting, we use an extensive data set (high-resolution digital elevation models, aerial photographs, and Landsat imagery) of a newly incising, perennial segment of Nahal (Wadi) HaArava, Israel. This channel responds to the rapid and progressive lowering of its base-level, the Dead Sea ( \textgreater 30 m in \~35 years; \~0.5-1.3 m yr -1 ). Progressively evolving longitudinal profiles, channel width, sinuosity, and knickpoint retreat during the last few decades were documented or reconstructed. The results indicate that even under fast base-level fall, rapid delta progradation on top of the shelf and shelf edge can moderate channel mouth slopes and, therefore, largely inhibit channel incision and knickpoint propagation. This channel elongation stage ends when the delta reaches an extended accommodation within the receiving basin and fails to keep the channel mouth slopes as low as the channel bed slopes. Then, processes of incision, narrowing, and meandering begin to shape the channel and expand upstream. When the down-cutting channel encounters a more resistant stratum within the channel substrate, these processes are restricted to a downstream reach by formation of a retreating vertical knickpoint. When the knickpoint and the channel incise to a level below this stratum, a spatially continuous, diffusion-like evolution characterizes the channel’s response and source-to-sink transport can be implemented. These results emphasize the mouth slope and channel substrate resistance as the governing factors over long-term channel evolution, whereas flash floods have only local and short-lived impacts in a confined, continuously incising channel. The documented channel response applies to eustatic base-level fall under steepening basin bathymetry, rapid delta progradation, and lithologic variations in the channel substrate.
De, K. ; Kasliwal, M. M. ; Ofek, E. O. ; Moriya, T. J. ; Burke, J. ; Cao, Y. ; Cenko, S. B. ; Doran, G. B. ; Duggan, G. E. ; Fender, R. P. ; Fransson, C. ; Gal-Yam, A. ; Horesh, A. ; Kulkarni, S. R. ; Laher, R. R. ; Lunnan, R. ; Manulis, I. ; Masci, F. ; Mazzali, P. A. ; Nugent, P. E. ; Perley, D. A. ; Petrushevska, T. ; Piro, A. L. ; Rumsey, C. ; Sollerman, J. ; Sullivan, M. ; Taddia, F. . Science 2018, 362, 201-206.
Dayan, U. ; Morin, E. . New frontiers in Dead Sea paleoenvironmental research: Geological Society of America Special Paper 2006, 401. Publisher's Version