Tammy Katsabian
Tammy Katsabian is a PhD student at the law faculty of the Hebrew University (with president’s scholarship and a doctorate research fellow’s scholarship from the Hebrew University). She is writing her thesis under the guidance of Prof. Guy Davidov. Her thesis focuses on the way the internet platform and virtual technology have influenced labour rights in a way that requires new understandings and redefinitions of basic concepts in this field, including fundamental workers’ rights. Her research is consisted of a series of articles focusing on the effects of the internet on three issues: the right to private life and privacy of the employee; the definition of “employee”; and freedom of association.
Tammy has an L.L.M degree from Yale Law School and Tel-Aviv University (cum laude) and an L.L.B degree from Bar Ilan University (cum laude). Alongside to her studies at the PhD program, Tammy was the executive director of the Clinical Legal Education Center at the Hebrew University from April 2013 and until October 2016 and served as the clinical advisor of the Women’s Rights at Work Clinic. Today she is working as the academic advisor of the Women’s Rights at Work Clinic.