Fabiana Di Porto
Fabiana Di Porto, PhD (joint degree University of Perugia and Université Robert Schuman, Strasburg), MSc (London School of Economics, London) is Associate Professor of Economic Law and Innovation at the University of Salento (Lecce) and contract Professor at Luiss and Lumsa Universities of Rome, where she teaches Innovation Law and Regulation, and Big data regulation, respectively. She is Co-Director of the law journal “Competition and the market” (Giuffrè ed. since 2011) and member of the executive Boards of the Academic Society for Competition Law (ASCOLA) and Braincircle Italy (associated with the Hebrew University, Jerusalem). She was visiting fellow at the Robert Schuman Center for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, Fiesole (2011) and is currently Forchheimer Visiting Professor at the Law Faculty, Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
She serves as member of the National Behavioral Unit (an advisory committee to the Presidency of the Council of Ministries), for the application of behavioral insights to the analysis of central administrative action (2017-present) and consulted the national independent regulator for energy Arera (2016). Her most recent research work relates to digitalization and the use of algorithms in private and public decision-making. In these fields, she has a number of articles, op-eds and a book to her credit, and has been audited as national expert before the Berec (European body pooling together national regulators for electronic communications), the European Commission, the Italian Authority for Minors and adolescents and the Italian Regulator for Financial Markets.
Her research project at the Federmann Cyber Security Rsearch Center suggests to integrate algorithms in experimentation about disclosures — to be conducted cooperatively by governmental agencies and commercial firms — before laying down new regulation.
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Fabiana's Research:
* Putting Algorithmic Regulation to Test: The Case of Clustered Disclosure Regulation