David Maimon

David Maimon

David Maimon is an Associate Professor in the department of Criminology and Criminal Justice at the Georgia State University. He received his Ph.D. in Sociology from the Ohio State University in 2009.

David’s research interests include cyber-enabled and cyber-dependent crimes and experimental research methods. In 2015 he was awarded the “2015 Young Scholar Award” from the “White-Collar Crime Research Consortium of the National White-Collar Crime Center” for his cybercrime research. His current research focuses on computer hacking and the progression of system trespassing events, online deception and fraud, computer networks vulnerabilities to cyber attacks, and decision-making process in cyber space.

He is also conducting research on intellectual property and the digital divide.

David's Research:

* Are we Human. Are we Robot

Hackers Topology Matter Geography Mapping the Dynamics of Repeated System Trespassing Events Networks

* Pocket Security: Smartphone Cybercrime in the Wild 

Prevention and Mitigation of Computer-Focused Crimes: An Evidence-Based Human-Focused Approach

Reconstruction and Analysis of an International Hacking Network


David's Blog:

*RANSOMWARE: What Is it and How Can We Reduce the Risk of Infection

* Sharing is Caring

David Maimon