Badi Hasisi
Prof. Badi Hasisi serves as a Chair of the Institute of Criminology, The Hebrew University. His work focuses on the interaction between community and the criminal justice agencies, with specific emphasis on the particular problems faced by minority groups with the police. One of his main fields is terrorism and homeland security (airport security, lone actors terrorism and the ramifications of terrorism on police-minority relations). Prof. Hasisi is also one of the PIs for project PROTON, an EU funded research project examining the processes and factors involved in radicalization and recruitment to terrorism (Horizon 2020 Grant Agreement: 699824). As part of project PROTON, Prof. Hasisi is leading a a number of unique studies examining online radicalization, with a focus on new social media. Prof. Hasisi also serve as the Executive Editor of the Journal of Quantitative Criminology.
Badi's Research:
* Agent-based model for radicalization
* NSM activities and behaviors as predictors of terrorism support and involvement