Prof. Michael Segal serves as Editor of the Hebrew University Bible Project. He is the Father Takeji Otsuki Professor of Biblical Studies and currently serves as Dean of the Faculty of Humanities. His research focuses upon the Hebrew Bible and Jewish literature of the Second Temple period, with specific emphasis on the fields of textual criticism of the Hebrew Bible; Jewish literature of the Hellenistic period, including the latest books of the Hebrew Bible, Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha, and Dead Sea scrolls; and the history of early biblical interpretation.
Segal has authored monographs, including The Book of Jubilees: Rewritten Bible, Redaction, Ideology and Theology (Brill, 2007); and Dreams, Riddles, and Visions: Textual, Contextual, and Intertextual Approaches to the Book of Daniel (De Gruyter, 2016); edited multiple volumes; published over dozens of articles in scholarly journals and collections; and lectures widely in academic contexts.