Wed, 05/12/2018 - 16:15 to 18:00
Room 5411 (meeting room of the Dean’s Office), Faculty of Humanities, Mt. Scopus Campus, Jerusalem
Dr. Gohar Grigoryan, University of Freiburg, Switzerland
The victorious appearance of the Mongols in the Eastern Mediterranean in the mid-thirteenth century not only resulted in major changes in the political history of the region but also caused the emergence of new visual forms of power and stimulated an intensive circulation of some new symbols, objects, themes, and ideas that were constructed around the region's mighty newcomers. A number of artworks created in different parts of the Mediterranean from the mid-thirteenth to the first decades of the fourteenth centuries echo the realities of the time, reflecting how the Mongols were perceived by the locals and how these perceptions were visualized and exhibited by court artists.