
A Ben-Shaul. 1976. Estimates Of Chemical-Laser Efficiency In Limits Of Fast And Slow Rotational Relaxation. Chemical Physics, 18, Pp. 13-21. doi:10.1016/0301-0104(76)87033-4.
Avinoam Ben-Shaul, Hofacker, G. Ludwig , and Bott, J.F. . 1976. Statistical And Dynamical Models Of Population Inversion. In Handbook Of Chemical Lasers, Pp. 581-617. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
A Ben-Shaul, KOMPA, KL , and SCHMAILZL, U. 1976. Vib-Rotational Energy-Distributions And Relaxation Processes In Pulsed Hf Chemical-Lasers. Journal Of Chemical Physics, 65, Pp. 1711-1728. doi:10.1063/1.433316.
A Ben-Shaul, Kafri, O, and Levine, RD. 1975. Chemical Lasers - Thermodynamic Analysis Of A System In Disequilibrium. Chemical Physics, 10, Pp. 367-392. doi:10.1016/0301-0104(75)87050-9.
A Ben-Shaul, Levine, RD, and Bernstein, RB . 1974. Prior-Expectation Distribution Functions For Energy Disposal And Energy Consumption In Reactive Molecular Collisions. Journal Of Chemical Physics, 61, Pp. 4937-4938. doi:10.1063/1.1681831.
A Ben-Shaul, HOFACKER, GL , and KOMPA, KL . 1973. Characterization Of Inverted Populations In Chemical Lasers By Temperature-Like Distributions - Gain Characteristics In F+H2-]Hf+H System. Journal Of Chemical Physics, 59, Pp. 4664-4673. doi:10.1063/1.1680678.
A Ben-Shaul. 1973. Product State Distribution In Chemical Reactions: Vibrational Temperature And Rotational Distributions. Chemical Physics, 1, Pp. 244-255. doi:10.1016/0301-0104(73)85019-0. Abstract
The distributions of vibrational, rotational and translational energies in the products of atom-diatomic molecule reactions are studied on the basis of their ‘‘temperature parametere’. The validity of the vibrational temperature concept, which my characterize the variaous distributions, is examined from different points of view. The analysis is done on the basis of available data from chemiluminescence, chemical laser and molecular beams measurements and from classical trajectory calculations. All the reactions investigated are exothermic with exothermicities ranging between approximate to 17 kcal/mole and approximate to 85 kcal/mole. In most products a high degree of population inversion is found. An attempt is made to predict the complete vibrotational state distribution using the vibrational temperature only. This attempt is equivalent to the assumption that apart from the vibration, the other degrees of freedom have reached a (microcanonical) equilibrium. The agreement with experimental results is good.
S BAER and Ben-Shaul, A. 1973. Unified Treatment Of Molecular-Interactions At Finite Temperatures. Journal Of Chemical Physics, 59, Pp. 2229-2233. doi:10.1063/1.1680324.
A Ben-Shaul, Bernstein, RB , and Levine, RD. 1972. Entropy And Chemical Change .2. Analysis Of Product Energy-Distributions - Temperature And Entropy Deficiency. Journal Of Chemical Physics, 57, Pp. 5427+. doi:10.1063/1.1678242.
S BAER and Ben-Shaul, A. 1972. Long-Range Many-Molecule Interactions In An Extended Van Der Waals Equation Of State. Journal Of Chemical Physics, 56, Pp. 1238-&. doi:10.1063/1.1677352.
A Ben-Shaul, Bernstein, RB , and Levine, RD. 1972. Product State Distribution In Exoergic Chemical Reactions And Concept Of Temperature. Chemical Physics Letters, 15, Pp. 160+. doi:10.1016/0009-2614(72)80141-6.
S BAER and Ben-Shaul, A. 1972. Quantum Mechanical Perturbation Expansion For Second Virial-Coefficient And Ursell-Mayer Function. Journal Of Chemical Physics, 56, Pp. 3773-&. doi:10.1063/1.1677777.
S BAER and Ben-Shaul, A. 1970. On Effect Of Nuclear Motion On Interaction Between Diatomic Molecules. Molecular Physics, 19, Pp. 33-&. doi:10.1080/00268977000100981.