
AJ Domb, Bentolila, A, Ishai-Michaeli, R, and Vlodavsky, I. 1999. Heparin Mimic Amino Acid Based Macromolecules. In Abstracts Of Papers Of The American Chemical Society, 217:Pp. U560–U560. AMER CHEMICAL SOC 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA.
Abraham J Domb, Gref, Ruxandra , Minamitake, Yoshiharu , Peracchia, Maria Teresa , and Langer, Robert S. 1999. Nanoparticles And Microparticles Of Non-Linear Hydrophilic-Hydrophobic Multiblock Copolymers.
Rama Falk, Domb, Abraham J, and Polacheck, Itzhack . 1999. A Novel Injectable Water-Soluble Amphotericin B-Arabinogalactan Conjugate. Antimicrobial Agents And Chemotherapy, 43, 8, Pp. 1975–1981.
D Teomim, Fishbien, I, Golomb, G, Orloff, L, Mayberg, M, and Domb, AJ. 1999. Perivascular Delivery Of Heparin For The Reduction Of Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation After Endothelial Injury. Journal Of Controlled Release, 60, 1, Pp. 129–142.
AJ Domb and Levy, M. 1999. Polymers In Gene Therapy: Frontiers In Biological Polymer Application. Technomic, Lancaster, Pa.
Abraham J Domb, Israel, Zvi H, Elmalak, Omar , Teomim, Doron , and Bentolila, Alfonso . 1999. Preparation And Characterization Of Carmustine Loaded Polyanhydride Wafers For Treating Brain Tumors. Pharmaceutical Research, 16, 5, Pp. 762.
Doron Teomim, Nyska, Abraham , and Domb, Abraham J. 1999. Ricinoleic Acid-Based Biopolymers. Journal Of Biomedical Materials Research: An Official Journal Of The Society For Biomaterials, The Japanese Society For Biomaterials, And The Australian Society For Biomaterials, 45, 3, Pp. 258–267.
DANW URRY, PATTANAIK, ASIMA , ACCAVITTI, MARY ANN , LUAN, CHI-XIANG , MCPHERSON, DAVID T, XU, JIE , GOWDA, CHANNE D, PARKER, TIMOTHY M, HARRIS, CYNTHIA M, and JING, NAIJIE . 1998. 19. Transductional Elastic And Plastic Protein-Based Polymers As Potential Medical Devices. Handbook Of Biodegradable Polymers, 7, Pp. 367.
YOUSEF NAJAJRAH, Ringel, Israel , and Domb, Abraham J. 1998. 7. Other Polyesters. Handbook Of Biodegradable Polymers, 7, Pp. 119.
SR Leadley, Davies, MC , Domb, A, Nudelman, R, Paul, AJ , and Beamson, G. 1998. Analysis Of The Surface Chemical Structure Of Copolymers Of Poly (Sebacic Anhydride) With Ricinoleic Acid Maleate Using Xps And Tof- Sims. Macromolecules, 31, 25, Pp. 8957–8965.
AJ Domb, Bentolila, A, and Teomin, D. 1998. Biopolymers As Drug Carriers And Bioactive Macromolecules. Acta Polymerica, 49, 10-11, Pp. 526–533.
X Chen, McGurk, SL , Davies, MC , Roberts, CJ , Shakesheff, KM , Tendler, SJB , Williams, PM , Davies, J, Dawkes, AC , and Domb, A. 1998. Chemical And Morphological Analysis Of Surface Enrichment In A Biodegradable Polymer Blend By Phase-Detection Imaging Atomic Force Microscopy. Macromolecules, 31, 7, Pp. 2278–2283.
Henry Brem, Langer, Robert S, and Domb, Abraham J. 1998. Controlled Local Delivery Of Chemotherapeutic Agents For Treating Solid Tumors.
Abraham J Domb, Kost, Joseph , and Wiseman, David . 1998. Handbook Of Biodegradable Polymers.
J Golenser, Domb, A, Cabantchik, ZI , Luty, AA , and Kremsner, P. 1998. Iron Metabolism As A Basis For Antimalarial Drug Design: Inhibitory Effects And Stimulation Of Host Defense Mechanisms By Iron Chelators. Parasitology International, 47, Pp. 25.
David B Masters and Domb, Abraham J. 1998. Liposphere Local Anesthetic Timed-Release For Perineural Site Application. Pharmaceutical Research, 15, 7, Pp. 1038–1045.
Edith Mathiowitz, Mullon, Claudy JP , Domb, Abraham J, and Langer, Robert S. 1998. Microspheres Comprising Polymer And Drug Dispersed There Within.
J Golenser, Domb, A, Frankenburg, S, Ehrenfreund, T, Rock, P, Yardley, V, and Croft, S. 1998. A New Treatment Of Leishmaniases Using Amphotericin B-Arabinogalactan (Amb-Ag) Conjugates. Parasitology International, 47, Pp. 377.