
AJ Domb. 2002. Arabinogalactan Based Sponges For Tissue Engineering.. In Abstracts Of Papers Of The American Chemical Society, 224:Pp. U430–U430. AMER CHEMICAL SOC 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA.
Konda Reddy Kunduru, Basu, Arijit , and Domb, Abraham J. 2002. Biodegradable Polymers: Medical Applications. Encyclopedia Of Polymer Science And Technology, Pp. 1–22.
G Pelled, Turgeman, G, Zilberman, Y, Aslan, H, Bar, I, Gafni, Y, Domb, AJ, Gazit, Z, and Gazit, D. 2002. Bone Marrow-Derived Adult Stem Cells: Gene Discovery, Skeletal Tissue Engineering And Stem Cells Plasticity.. In Journal Of Bone And Mineral Research, 17:Pp. S445–S445. AMER SOC BONE & MINERAL RES 2025 M ST, NW, STE 800, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 ….
AJ Domb. 2002. Cationic Polysaccharides As Vectors For Gene Delivery.. In Abstracts Of Papers Of The American Chemical Society, 224:Pp. U471–U471. AMER CHEMICAL SOC 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA.
Tony Azzam, Raskin, Arthur , Makovitzki, Arik , Brem, Henry , Vierling, Pierre , Lineal, Michal , and Domb, Abraham J. 2002. Cationic Polysaccharides For Gene Delivery. Macromolecules, 35, 27, Pp. 9947–9953.
David S Hungerford, Frondoza, Carmelita G, Sohrabi, Afshin , Shikani, Alan H, and Domb, Abraham J. 2002. Cell-Culture And Polymer Constructs.
David Hungerford, Frondoza, Carmelita , Sohrabi, Afshin , Shikani, Alan , and Domb, Abraham . 2002. Cell-Culture And Polymer Constructs.
Neeraj Kumar, Chaubal, Mahesh , Domb, AJ, and Majeti, Ravi Kumar NV . 2002. Controlled Release Technology. Encyclopedia Of Polymer Science And Technology.
Abraham Domb, Frucht-Perry, Joseph , and Shapiro, Mervyn . 2002. Device For Iontophoretic Administration Of Drugs.
G Turgeman, Liebergall, M, Zilberman, Y, Pelled, G, Aslan, H, Peyser, A, Gazit, Z, Domb, A, and Gazit, D. 2002. Engineered Mesenchymal Stem Cells (Mscs): A Platform For Local And Systemic Gene Therapy And Tissue Engineering Of Bone. In Orthopaedic Proceedings, 84:Pp. 316–316. The British Editorial Society of Bone & Joint Surgery.
Meenakshi Arora, Carlesso, G, Davidson, JM , Domb, Abraham J, Heinrich, G, Klüppel, M, Kozlov, E, Kumar, MNV Ravi , and Prokop, A. 2002. Filled Elastomers Drug Delivery Systems.
B Hazra, Golenser, J, Nechemiya, O, Bhattacharyya, S, Azzam, T, Domb, A, Frankenburg, S, and others, . 2002. Inhibitory Activity Of Diospyrin Derivatives Against Leishmania Major Parasites In Vitro. Indian Journal Of Pharmacology, 34, 6, Pp. 422.
T Azzam, Peppas, NA , Slomkowski, S, and Domb, AJ. 2002. “Length And Breadth” Polyrotaxane Structures—A New Concept In Three-Dimensional Polymeric Systems. Polymers For Advanced Technologies, 13, 10-12, Pp. 788–797.
H Eliyahu, Servel, NDAJY , Domb, AJ, and Barenholz, Y. 2002. Lipoplex-Induced Hemagglutination: Potential Involvement In Intravenous Gene Delivery. Gene Therapy, 9, 13, Pp. 850–858.
Neeraj Kumar, Azzam, Tony , and Domb, Abraham J. 2002. Molecular Mass Distribution Of Polycations And Dextrans By High-Performance Size Exclusion Chromatography. Polymers For Advanced Technologies, 13, 10-12, Pp. 1071–1077.
Majeti NV Ravikumar, Kumar, Neeraj , Domb, AJ, and Arora, Meenakshi . 2002. Pharmaceutical Polymeric Controlled Drug Delivery Systems. Filled Elastomers Drug Delivery Systems, Pp. 45–117.
Aliza Rasiel, Sheskin, Tzviel , Bergelson, Lev , and Domb, Abraham J. 2002. Phospholipid Coated Poly (Lactic Acid) Microspheres For The Delivery Of Lhrh Analogues. Polymers For Advanced Technologies, 13, 2, Pp. 127–136.
Ruxandra Gref, Minamitake, Yoshiharu , Peracchia, Maria Teresa , Domb, Avi , Trubetskoy, Vladimir , Torchilin, Vladimir , and Langer, Robert . 2002. Poly (Ethyleneglycol)-Coated Nanospheres: Potential Carriers For Intravenous Drug Administration. Protein Delivery, Pp. 167–198.
Neeraj Kumar, Langer, Robert S, and Domb, Abraham J. 2002. Polyanhydrides: An Overview. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 54, 7, Pp. 889–910.
J Heller, Domb, AJ, and Kumar, N. 2002. Polyanhydrides And Poly (Ortho Esters). Adv Drug Deliv Rev, 54, 7, Pp. 887–888.