
Gustavo Pradilla, Azzam, Tony , Wang, Paul P, Domb, Abraham J, and Brem, Henry . 2003. Gene Therapy For Malignant Brain Tumors. Expert Review Of Neurotherapeutics, 3, 5, Pp. 685–701.
Joram Slager and Domb, Abraham J. 2003. Heterostereocomplexes Prepared From D-Pla And L-Pla And Leuprolide. Ii. Release Of Leuprolide. Biomacromolecules, 4, 5, Pp. 1316–1320.
Joram Slager and Domb, Abraham J. 2003. Heterostereocomplexes Prepared From D-Poly (Lactide) And Leuprolide. I. Characterization. Biomacromolecules, 4, 5, Pp. 1308–1315.
FD Raiskup, Binstock, E, Domb, A, and Frucht-Pery, J. 2003. Iontophoresis (Mini Ion) For Corticosteroid Administration Into The Rabbit Cornea. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 44, 13, Pp. 3846–3846.
Jacob Golenser, Domb, Abraham , Leshem, Benny , Kremsner, Peter , and Luty, Adrian . 2003. Iron Chelators As Drugs Against Malaria Pose A Potential Risk. Redox Report, 8, 5, Pp. 268–271.
Michal Y Krasko, Ezra, Aviva , and Domb, Abraham J. 2003. Lithocholic-Acid-Containing Poly (Ester–Anhydride) S. Polymers For Advanced Technologies, 14, 11-12, Pp. 832–838.
Carmelita G Frondoza, Hungerford, David S, Shikani, Alan H, Domb, Abraham J, Fink, David J, and Bloom, Leonard . 2003. Method For Composite Cell-Based Implants.
Inmaculada Santos-Alvarez, Martos-Rodr{\'ıguez, Antonia , Delgado-Baeza, Emilio , Hohn, H-P, Donner, AJ , Denker, H-W, Wang, Jian , Clark, Brian J, Rhee, Gyu-Seek , Fair, Jeff H, and others, . 2003. Patent Watch. Cells Tissues Organs, 173, 4, Pp. 255–256.
Joram Slager, Cohen, Yachin , Khalfin, Rafail , Talmon, Yeshayahu , and Domb, Abraham J. 2003. Peptides Form Stereoselective Complexes With Chiral Polymers. Macromolecules, 36, 9, Pp. 2999–3000.
J Pe'er, Raiskup, FD , Binstock, E, Domb, A, and Frucht-Pery, J. 2003. Pharmacokinetics Of Gentamycin In The Rabbit Eye Administered Via Iontophoresis. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 44, 13, Pp. 4761–4761.
Michal Y Krasko, Shikanov, Ariella , Ezra, Aviva , and Domb, Abraham J. 2003. Poly (Ester Anhydride) S Prepared By The Insertion Of Ricinoleic Acid Into Poly (Sebacic Acid). Journal Of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 41, 8, Pp. 1059–1069.
Hans R Kricheldorf, Fechner, Björn , Shikanov, Ariella , and Domb, Abraham . 2003. Polylactones 57. Biodegradable Networks Based On A- B- A Triblock Segments Containing Poly (Ethylene Glycol) S Syntheses And Drug Release Properties. Biomacromolecules, 4, 4, Pp. 950–955.
Abraham J Domb. 2003. Polymer Constructs.
T Ehrenfreund-Kleinman, Domb, AJ, and Golenser, J. 2003. Polysaccharide Scaffolds Prepared By Crosslinking Of Polysaccharides With Chitosan Or Proteins For Cell Growth. Journal Of Bioactive And Compatible Polymers, 18, 5, Pp. 323–338.
Abraham J Domb and Heller, Jorge . 2003. Recent Developments With Biodegradable Polymers. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 55, 4.
Jorge Heller and Domb, Abraham . 2003. Recent Developments With Biodegradable Polymers. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 55, 4, Pp. 445–446.
Michael H Abraham, Akaike, Akinori , Akamatsu, Ken , Akers, Michael , Alany, Raid , Alkan-Onyuksel, Hayat , Alleman, Eric , Alonso, Maria José , Alpar, Oya , Anchordoquy, Thomas , and others, . 2003. Reviewers For Pharmaceutical Research For The Period Of November 1, 2001 And October 31, 2002. Pharmaceutical Research, 20, 1.
MR Aberturas, Berner, B, Coombes, AGA , Abraham, MH , Bettini, R, Corrigan, OI , Adeyeye, MC , Bijsterbosch, MK , Crommelin, DJ , Ahola, M, and others, . 2003. T Hank You To Reviewers. Journal Of Controlled Release, 89, Pp. 1–4.
Neeraj Kumar, Krishnan, Mahesh , Azzam, Tony , Magora, Amir , Ravikumar, Majeti NV , Flanagan, Douglas R, and Domb, Abraham J. 2002. Analysis Of Fatty Acid Anhydrides And Polyanhydrides. Analytica Chimica Acta, 465, 1-2, Pp. 257–272.